(Feedback) Poverty and Obesity in America | Teen Ink

(Feedback) Poverty and Obesity in America

October 19, 2014
By Boobear98 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Boobear98 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I entirely agree with Regina Olivares in her aticle about the connect between poverty and obesity in America. Many people do not realize how true it is that people who are poor buy more processed foods. For my family, we have a hard situation because there are five children. My parents can afford to buy fresh foods, but those foods usually last us half a week. My family also does not qualify for government aid because my parents make a bit too much. Even with new laws for school foods, my school still serves oily and fatty foods. It is important that schools start,"... providing higher quality food... [that] would help address... and improve children's health,". Thanks to Regina, students can now be educated and try to make a difference within their school's cafetria nationwide. 

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