Feedback | Teen Ink


October 3, 2014
By alfredopena BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
alfredopena BRONZE, Thornton, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Ride or Die

The article that i had read was by Graceana C. it was called “Oooooops” and what made it interesting was that she was told to do something while the owners of the house were out “to watered the plants and to feed the fish,” and that she had ended up completely forgetting about it. As if they have never told her to do anything when they were gone. Then I had made a connection with the article and how she I believe that had short term memory loss and that she ended up killing the fish and the plants.But one thing that she really did do was go threw their food and had made herself a snack which was really interesting because she fed herself and didn't even remember about the fish at all even the fact that it involved food.But after that had happen she was too lazy to even go back to her own house and take a nap but no she had also fallen asleep on the couch of the people that owned the house. At the end was actually a plot twister in a way that she had told the owners that yes she did kill the plants and the fish but that they weren't even important to the actual living environment that they had going on. That the fish had been depressed in a sense because he had a small tank and that he may have died of that reason. The plant had died because it was just there and it didn't do anything and that is why she had forgotten about the plant.

The author's comments:

An article that really grabed my attention.

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