Alphabetical Disorder | Teen Ink

Alphabetical Disorder MAG

March 8, 2013
By PrivateZ BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
PrivateZ BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

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Semper Fi!

I was really surprised when I read ­“Alphabetical Disorder” by Elizabeth V.
I'm so glad that people are finally realizing that putting kids in order based on their last name can seriously affect us long term. As someone whose last name begins with Z, I have been there and know what it feels like.

Ever since preschool, I've always been the last one called up, the last to get an award, the last to do anything. When I read this article, it made me realize just how serious this issue is. I have never liked being last, but when I read that those whose last names are near the end of the alphabet are “five times more likely to commit suicide,” I was completely shocked. It put my situation into a new perspective. I always knew being last made me feel bad, but I didn't realize it could make someone suicidal! When the article said people “have lower ambitions and expectations for their future,” I felt an instant connection. I have always been hard on myself and do not believe I can do things. I felt as though the article was describing me!

“Alphabetical Disorder” highlights a serious problem in our society that needs to change now. I really appreciate Elizabeth V. taking the time to put a spotlight on it, and I hope others realize it too.

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