Feedback on Chicken Cutlets | Teen Ink

Feedback on Chicken Cutlets

December 10, 2018
By Aaron2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
Aaron2005 SILVER, Brooklyn, New York
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“Chicken Cutlets” by Samuel Nobile is an odd piece of writing. On one hand, it is meant to describe the traditions of an Italian family ( presumably the authors). However, on the other hand, the piece is so short and the vocabulary is so simple, that the piece becomes very bland and colorless. “Chicken Cutlets” is about an Italian child who is making chicken cutlets with his father. The child is extremely tired and sad but he gets a smile on his face after eating the dinner he prepared with his parents. The idea is interesting to say the least but it was not carried out well, especially compared to the other pieces of that section.

I have both made and tried chicken cutlets before. I will admit that I can’t help but smile when eating them. However, this description of the cutlets is simple and undescriptive asa piece of writing. The last sentence of the story is “ This is really good, Dad’, an anticlimactic sentence that does not show the true capabilities of this writer. I felt that the author could have done a much better job at describing this delicacy then just saying the ingredients that go into it and ending the story with a “ picture book- esque” sentence

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