Let's Save Our Mother Earth | Teen Ink

Let's Save Our Mother Earth

March 14, 2009
By Mostafa Al Hashash SILVER, Mansoura, Other
Mostafa Al Hashash SILVER, Mansoura, Other
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Let's save our mother Earth; let's save her.

To save our mother Earth; it depends on our faith.

Let's begin now and give a try; so at least we won't cry

Think carefully whom do you kill; she is your mother, so don't throw her in hell

You parents, you children, don't you care about your new generations

By this pollution you are destroying the Ozone layer

So stop it and don't be such a killer

So stop pollution now and let's find a solution just right now

You think the solution is far; but you even haven't to travel to it by car

Let's save our mother; because that's where the beginning of our birth

Let's save out mother Earth; so they will not be any meaning for her death

Let's save our mother Earth; let's save her


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