Special Place | Teen Ink

Special Place

February 6, 2009
By Adrianne R. casillas BRONZE, Lubbock, Texas
Adrianne R. casillas BRONZE, Lubbock, Texas
1 article 4 photos 0 comments

The mountains as high as the Heavens, the trees just barely grazing the clouds, and the river flowing as if there as an angel near. Her hand streaking fingers across the water. It is a place where you look for all the little animals you can see in fluffy clouds. The scenery just takes the breath out of your chest and makes you never want to leave. It makes you think about what you have in life as well as helping you to relax and enjoy the moments of life.

Garner State Park is an extremely beautiful outdoor sanctuary. The freshness of the air opens up your lungs and smells fresh. The beautiful deer roam freely around the park knowing that they will be unharmed. This is a place where you can get away and forget about your worries. A place where you can think about the little things in your life. There is always a place where you feel like you can simply get lost in your own spot in Nature and you have the option to let your hair down and have fun!

I have gone to Garner State Park every summer since I was young. I look forward to relaxing and having a good time. This is the place that means so much to me due to the manner in which it makes me feel. So relaxing to float on the river for hours or to sit in a quiet place in the middle of the trees simply looking at the clouds. At night there is dancing under the stars. Everyone has a great time. Even if they do not know you. I have made so many good friends from this magical place that I continue to talk to them today. What a great place to meet great people that will become life long friends.

Everyone has their special place where they feel safe and relaxed. Different people have unusual ways of looking at events in their life which affect their choice of a special or unique place of solitude. Whether it is a place where trees scratch colors into the sky or an area where mountains touch the Heavens, it is important to your soul to have a place where you can relax and think about the wonders of life.

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