Mistakes | Teen Ink


October 6, 2015
By YFGL-Kirk BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
YFGL-Kirk BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mistakes are made on a daily basis, we know that mistakes are a good and a bad thing because We learn from our mistakes, but most of all, we have a consequence to all of our mistakes, whether it’s a culinary mistake or a personal mistake, Mistakes are a fragile thing, kind of like a thin boundary that once it’s crossed, we can’t fix our mistakes. Mistakes are a good way to learn, like the time everyone has put their hand on the stove, and it hurts because its hot, you know not to put your hand on a hot stove anymore, Every human has made hundreds of mistakes in the course of their lifetime.

When is it okay to make mistakes? Well… honestly we really can’t say when it is okay to make mistakes and when it isn’t okay. It is okay to make a mistake every once in a while, but don’t make too many because you make yourself look a little clumsily. Mistakes are a good thing because it is one way that we learn, if you make a lot of mistakes, you will end up with a huge mess. When you make mistakes, look back at them and try to find a way to fix the mistakes, and if you can’t fix your mistakes, do everything you can to make the situation better.

Most all of mistakes should be known of because if we were to hide all our mistakes, we wouldn’t know what to do if we were to encounter them again. It is okay to point out mistakes because there is always someone there to help you whether it is your friend or a stranger. You can learn from your mistakes to make you better at problem solving and to make you better at making better decisions in the long run so you don’t make too many mistakes.

Sometimes we can’t help mistakes, sometimes mistakes happen out of nowhere, like a car accident, sometimes we can’t help them, they just happen, sometimes we don’t make them and mistakes just come to you. Mistakes are always random, they can happen at any place, at any time, we just really can’t help them because they will always happen or our world would be perfect and we would all just be the same.

So when the next mistake comes rolling around the corner, if you don’t know what to do, ask a friend or a person around you, and if you find yourself making mistakes on a daily basis, look back on your mistake and find out what you did wrong and you might be able to fix it. These are just ways that we humans learn to coop with our problems and we solve them, whether it’s a car accident or it’s just a flower pot that you broke, we always find ways to solve our problems because we all know that most of all our mistakes are going to be healed by time.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by my English teacher to write my piece of work. I hope that people will be more careful about what them do in the future and they will be able to solve thier problems faster and smarter the next time them encoutner them.


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