The Life of A Puppy Mill Pup | Teen Ink

The Life of A Puppy Mill Pup

November 7, 2011
By _SusanDenise SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
_SusanDenise SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Imagine yourself living in a small cramped cage filled with others. You are bored, scared, and depressed. Also, you have never experienced how it feels like to be loved. You have never been out of confinement, never felt the sun’s rays on your skin, or the earth’s soft ground underneath your feet. You don’t know what it’s like to run around and play. Fights break out among the inhabitants and you are forced to defend yourself from being attacked. There’s no heat in your cage in the winter or air-conditioning in the summer. Your hair is matted, you are filthy, your teeth is painfully rotting, you are injured and suffering from multiple dieses. You have lost one of your limps because it was caught in the wire floors. You painfully struggled to get it free but you accidently amputated it in the process. You are forced endlessly and painfully to have children and go through the gruesome stages of pregnancy and birth and then have your children ripped away to be sold or to obtain the same fate that you have. When your body cannot bear child birth anymore, you are of no use and killed by getting your head bashed in with a rock or shot. Then your body is sold to laboratories. You don’t know if you will live to have another meal and drop of water. You can never say another single word because your “master” have rammed a steel rod down throat and purposely ruptured your vocal cords. Your family and “cage mates” are dying from dieses, starvation, malnutrition, dehydration, heat stroke, injury, or freezing to death. You do not know if in the next hour, day, or week, you’ll be next.

Thousands of dogs and puppies has or had to endure this torture. Puppy Mills are increasing rapidly throughout the country and more dogs are falling victim to this cruelty. People inhumanely breed these beautiful animals to make a profit but do not care about the welfare of their “product”. It is SICK.

Puppy Mills sell their dogs to pet stores across the nation. In order to put an end to puppy mills people would have to stop buying dogs and puppies from pet stores. If you are looking for a puppy please reconsider buying them from pet stores and search for alternatives. Animal Shelters are great places to find your new K-9 best friend. Please help in the fight to put an end puppy mills by spreading the word about them and its connection with pet stores.

The author's comments:
About 3 years ago, my mom unknowingly brought my twin a Maltese/shih tzu mix puppy from a pet store. She genetically developed hip dysplasia. She is also very hyper. We did some research and found out that she is indeed from a puppy mill.

I want people to see how bad the living conditions are for these animals. I also want readers to know that they have a voice and can help save lives.


This article has 2 comments.

on Dec. 18 2011 at 7:26 pm
_SusanDenise SILVER, Detroit, Michigan
7 articles 0 photos 2 comments
Yes, it is very sad. Thanks for your feedback! :)

on Nov. 15 2011 at 2:51 pm
wistfuldaydreamer12 BRONZE, Reddich, Other
3 articles 0 photos 4 comments
Wow that's really sad thx i didnt know about that ill try raise awarness about it :)