No More Litter | Teen Ink

No More Litter

April 1, 2024
By ellaserwin SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
ellaserwin SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Environment is an important part of our everyday lives, our environment reflects our quality of life. Not only humans, but animals. One thing I would like to do to help the environment is to cut down on litter and garbage left around nature and big water areas. 

Data shows that litter can cause harm to people and animals' well being. Litter can destroy habitats, choke animals, and can cause wildfires. Overall, litter has no positive effect on anyone or anything.

To combat the 43 percent of people who litter, according to, I would install heavier laws to people who litter. I would also have city appointed clean up crews that would go out every night and pick up litter. These clean up crews would be paid by the state from people’s taxes.

I would also install more garbage cans and recycling bins on every corner of the streets, so there is always one in close proximity to people. Therefore, there would never be an excuse that there was nowhere to throw one’s items away. This creates convenience, making it easy for people to care for the planet!

One last thing I would like to do is have a seminar in schools all over the world to show the harmful effects of littering. During this seminar, pictures and videos will be included about littering and the negative impact it has. When showing people the damage and dangers, it makes people open their eyes to the reality of what is happening to our planet and environment every day. 

By implementing these solutions and strategies, I would love it if our environment became a little cleaner. No solutions are going to change damages that have happened for years overnight. However, adding in solutions like these can help keep animals alive a little longer, and us.

The author's comments:

I love the environment.

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