How Dangerous is Climate Change? | Teen Ink

How Dangerous is Climate Change?

March 8, 2023
By Anonymous

Today, climate change poses a significant risk to humanity. But how dangerous can it be if no or little action is taken? How much global emission must be reduced to stop it? Recently, we have seen more extreme weather like record heat waves, worse droughts, rising sea levels, melting glaciers, etc. Will humanity survive this disaster by drastic action or be in danger due to ignorance? 

Climate change refers to increased temperatures and more frequency of extreme weather. The cause is CO2 emissions from nonrenewable energies like oil or natural gas being burned. By 2050, half of the rainforests will be gone. These rainforests are necessary to absorb carbon dioxide and have breathable air. The US Geological Survey, a science agency, says that all remaining glaciers, including Antarctica, will melt entirely before 2100, and sea levels will rise about 60 meters. This will flood all coastal cities and displace up to a billion people around the globe. 

According to the United Nations, global temperature has grown by almost 1.1 degrees Celsius in the last 150 years. If it continues at the same rate, by 2100, it will grow to 4 degrees Celsius. The UN has said it cannot increase by more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. If that happens, it would have devastating effects on wildlife and humanity. World leaders have set goals to reduce emissions from 2030 to 2050 and transition to green energy. But activists say it’s not enough. Some said that the world must agree to take drastic measures quickly before it’s too late. “The less we do to address climate change now, the more regulation we will have in the future,” said Bill Nye. You might know him as “The Science Guy.” He is an engineer and an advocate for acting on climate change. 

Nye says that by 2030, global emissions must be cut in half and reach zero by 2050. If not, it will cause many problems for survival. Also, our water will be affected. Scientists say warmer water temperatures cause excess algae growth and reduce drinking water quality. Also, the food supply will decimate. Already 10% of the population, or about 800 million people are facing starvation. It will increase further by two percent per decade. For example, the recent floods in Pakistan killed 1,700 people and destroyed crop harvests, starving up to 6 million people in the country. 


In summary, climate change is something that everyone shouldn’t ignore. We have seen its effects and what it will do in the future. Future generations living in an inhabitable world are becoming more significant with time. “Climate change is a terrible problem, and it needs to be solved. It deserves to be a huge priority,” said Bill Gates. There is much more to solving this problem facing society. There’s no doubt that human activity is to blame. We must fight for our survival and future generations to come.



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