Worst Three Months of My Life | Teen Ink

Worst Three Months of My Life

January 11, 2013
By Anonymous

My name is Kris(not real name) and I am writing this because I am going to say what happened to me for 3 months at my school. What they did that hurt me very badly, how I felt emotionally and mentally. Plus the aftermath of the whole situation.
How my story started was at the beginning of the school year. Last year I had a great year I was hoping that I could have another one. But there is three people in my class Bully 1, 2 and 3. It started just with a few jokes at me about different things. But then it started to annoy me so, I asked them to stop but of course they didn’t stop. After a few days the words started to really actually hurt my feelings. A thing you should probably know about me is that I have a lot of trouble telling people about my emotions so I started to get very depressed. Also I had a lot of problems swallowing my food. This went on for about two months. Around this time my dad was getting worried about what was happening with me (you should know I haven’t told him I was being bullied). So he took me to see a physiatrist to see what was going on with me. I wasn’t told if I was depressed but I was told that I should tell the principle or the vice principle so I told her and the bullying slowly stopped.
The way that I was bullied was mostly mental attacks on me from the bullies. The time that they attacked me most was when we were in gym. I have this track suit that I wear in gym it’s old and has a lot of holes in it but still I always have a lot of pride in wearing it. So what they did was when they saw me wearing it they would be mean to me about wearing it and how they have these new ones that don’t have any holes. I know that it doesn’t seem like it could hurt but I am really proud of the track suit. They also would make fun of my ability as an athlete. They did this in multiple ways. When I did something good in gym they would go out of their way to do ten times better and I am not choking about this. Just making fun of my body in general. They also made fun of the things I did. Like golf and curling. When I tell people this they usually say “You’re a wimp”. The one thing that was physical was when Bully 1 tricked me into believing that he drew a penis on my neck.
How I was mentally felt throughout this three month is what I will be describing now. Me before this suffered from minor anxiety but after what happened with me with all the bullying. My anxiety worsened by very much. Remember what I said earlier with trouble swallowing we have figured out now that was due to anxiety. I also fell into depression which let me tell sucks. Imagine when you feel really sad but eventually you feel better. When you depressed you will have moments when you are happy but sadly the don’t last very long at all.
The bullying has stopped now the Bullies are still in my class but they leave me alone now. Emotionally I am still trying to come back from that but it’s hard to get out of the hole which it seems like your trapped in but I am eventually crawling up that hole to where I was before. I know that my story is not as bad as anyone’s that you hear about on the news but it is still my story. I hope that understand some of what that I told on how I felt.

The author's comments:
It's my story on how I was bullied

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