Mosquito | Teen Ink


November 2, 2016
By Anonymous



             Mikey is a 15-year-old freshman at Butler High School. He was that one boy who everyone knew about, but no one liked because he was different. He was different but he wasn’t a good different; he was a weird different. He catches mosquitos and keeps them in jars. He counts them and writes down how many there are in a book. No one knows why but you know…

Anyways, it was a freezing Monday morning and Mikey was standing at his bus stop. Alone. There was such an awkward silence the entire time. He felt as if he was being watched. It was one of those feelings where you feel so scared to the point where you can’t even move or think. But knowing it was just his bus stop, he thought nothing of it.

The wind blows and you could hear the leaves as they fly around and crash against the ground, landing on other leaves. Still standing at the stop, Mikey checks the time and sees his bus was running a late, & his bus is always on time. So of course, Mikey got a bit suspicious. He eventually got tired of standing so he sat on the sidewalk. Not many cars were passing by, which was very unusual because it’s a busy road.

After waiting 10 extra minutes for the bus, Mikey decided to just start walking back to his house. Thinking his bus had maybe come a little earlier than expected. On the way back to his house, Mikey had seen a black car pull into his driveway. The car was black with bright silver rims and dark, tinted windows. He had never seen that car before. His dad was at work and his mom had just mysteriously passed about 8 years ago. He was never really told how. But at this point, Mikey was just real confused.

Approaching his house, the car is still sitting in the driveway and hadn’t moved since it got there. Since the windows were tinted, you couldn’t see inside. Suddenly, a mosquito lands on his hand, but why would there be a mosquito if it was freezing out? After a few seconds, the mosquito just disappeared ... this kept happening to him but he didn’t understand why. It’s so weird.

A little after the mosquito had landed on Mikey’s hand, he got a strong, sudden feeling that he just had to turn back and go straight home. No questions asked. Without any hesitation, Mikey walked right back home. With every step he took, he felt as if someone was walking behind him. Mikey sped up & didn’t even look back once. He started breathing heavily and his heart was racing! When he had gotten to his house, he saw some bright yellow light blinking left to right.

“My bus!”, Mikey yelled.

Mikey raced back to his bus stop and had got there just in time. He was so relieved; he had no idea what just happened. Mikey stepped onto the bus and the driver immediately apologized for running late. The door closed shut behind him and he walked off to his seat in the very back of the bus. At this point, he was frightened.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Mikey was laying back in his seat taking a breather after everything that happened. Some bright lights shined into the bus. He takes a look back to see what it was and there it was. The same, exact black car that was in his driveway was now following his school bus.

He didn’t know what to do anymore. He turned back around and didn’t look back out of the window for the rest of the ride. A rough 12 minutes pass & they arrive to Butler High School. Mikey steps out of the bus and walks into the school building. A mosquito flies in and lands on his hand, again. This time he had an intense feeling rushing throughout his body. He started having flashbacks of him & his mom who mysteriously died 7 years ago.

At the entrance of the building, Mikey faints & is immediately rushed to the nurse’s office.

“Where am I! let me go mom let me go!”, cries Mikey as his eyes are still shut.
“Let me go, please”.
The administrators come rushing to the nurse’s office. He could be heard all the way down the hall.
“Mikey, wake up! Wake up!”, exclaims the nurse.
“What! Please! Stop!”, screams Mikey as he quickly jumps out of the bed.
His eyes are wide open and everyone in the room stares.
“Your dad is on his way to take you home…” said Principal Myers.
“Okay. Thanks.”, replies Mikey.
It seemed like he had no memory of what had just happened. He lays back in bed & waits for them to call him to the office, so he could go home.
Staring blankly at the ceiling, A mosquito flew in and landed on his hand, once again. Mikey’s eyes instantly close shut and he stops moving. He shows no signs of breathing. The nurse walks in to tell Mikey that his dad had arrived. But when the nurse walked in, no one was in the room. Just two mosquitos.
“Mikey?”, questioned the nurse. “Hello?”
As the nurse walks out to tell Mikey’s father that he was no longer in the room, his father was already walking out of the door. Two mosquitos follow. A black car outside, waiting.

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