How Did I Get Here? | Teen Ink

How Did I Get Here?

October 10, 2016
By countrybabe@heart BRONZE, Ava, Missouri
countrybabe@heart BRONZE, Ava, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy." Dumbledore from Harry Potter

I couldn’t move. My whole body was bound up tighter than trapeze artist tights. I couldn’t see. My eyes were covered with a blindfold that made everything pitch black. I smelled fire coming from somewhere in the room. That’s when I started to remember what had happened. My crazy ex fiancé had kidnapped me, bound me up and started a fire in the house. 

How was I going to escape? I started to feel around as best as I could. It took forever but I finally found something sharp. I started cutting at the rope around my body. When I finally got it off I pulled off my blindfold.

I surveyed my surroundings and it was just as I thought. The whole house was on fire. I looked around and I saw a window. The only thing was I had to fight the fire, and then cross a broken beam, and find a way to open the window since it was covered with bars and it was locked shut behind the bars.

I started on my way. I found a sink and I must have had some good luck just then because it still worked. I found a bucket and started to drench the fire in water. They only helped a little. I kept at it till I had a safe passage towards the window. When I came to the beam I tried my hardest to lift it and I could only move it a little.

I started thinking to myself. “Come on, you wimp, you can move it. You’re just not trying hard enough. You’re not a baby anymore, now push!” 

I pushed with all my might and all my willpower. I kept pushing until that beam was no longer in my way. I moved on and suddenly I heard a loud crack and before I could think a beam fell on my head.

I woke up dizzy and confused. I couldn’t remember where I was at. When I sat up I looked around and I saw flames all around me. All I knew was that I had to get out of there before I died so I set to work.

I crawled across the floor and I came across a beam. I couldn’t lift the beam and I couldn’t lift myself.

“What am I going to do?” I wondered to myself. My wrist was broken and I couldn’t feel my left foot.

I crawled up and over the beam. It made my wrist and foot hurt beyond any pain I’ve ever felt before.

No matter how slow I would crawl it would still hurt.

I got to the window and it was locked. Luckily for me there was a crowbar beside it. I lifted the crowbar and an excruciating pain went through my arm but I kept on. I got the window open and I started to climb out. I climbed all the way out and started limping down the road when all of a sudden someone had appeared out of nowhere.

He jumped at me and wrapped his hands around my throat. I had no idea who this man was but I knew I had to get away…

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