A Touch of Fear | Teen Ink

A Touch of Fear

December 11, 2015
By hritika_t BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
hritika_t BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

She walked across the abandoned street in the pouring rain with no shoes to cover her feet and ripped clothes that could freeze her to death. Her skin was pale, almost as she was un-living. Her phone had died so she couldn’t call anyone for help. The scent of the storm flood through her nose. Seeing a house after miles of a deserted town, she knocked on the door. A girl, with really pale skin, opened the door and let her in right after she saw her. The warmth shot throughout her half dead body.
“You’re finally here,” said the girl from the house. Her eyes glistened a darker color as she talked.
And with a sharp pain in her head, she fainted.
“Mary, you’re finally awake! Are you feeling any better?” said the girl from the house. Mary woke up with her head pounding so hard, it felt like other people could hear it.
“How- how do you know my name?”
“Oh,” the girl hesitated, “you told me before you fell unconscious.”
“I did? God-” the girl flinched at the word, “All I remember is knocking on your door, it’s all blank from the- sorry I forgot to ask, what’s your name?”
“I’m Anna.”
“Oh hell-” Mary tried getting up but the pain in her stomach made her lay back down again.
“Mary, don’t try getting up right now, you’re still in a bad condition. I’ll go make you some black coffee and then we can talk.”
“Yumm, my favorite!” Mary smiled.
“Yeah, I know,” whispered Anna as she walked away towards the kitchen.
Once Anna got back, Mary explained her whole story. How she was abused by her parents and always had arguments with them, even just a couple hours ago until she decided she had enough of it and just left at that moment. Anna offered Mary to stay in her house since she was pretty lonely too.
“You’re really gonna let me stay in your house? We barely know each other.” Mary asked shocked.
“I know, but you look like a person who could use some help so why not?” replied Anna.
  From that day on Mary and Anna became roommates. Mary found Anna a little weird sometimes. She didn’t talk quite that often but when she did it was about spirits and ghosts. Mary had no interest but pretended to listen because she really needed the roof. Anna never really talked about her past, she said it had been rough so she didn’t want to talk about it. Mary never asked again.
After a couple months of living there, Mary found a job. She couldn’t afford an apartment to herself yet so she was still living with Anna. One day, Mary felt a sharp pain in her stomach. She thought it would go away but it seemed like it got worse and worse until she decided she was done for the day and took and early leave. Eager for rest, she headed home. As she unlocked the door and walked in, she welcomed the unusually warm feeling the house gave her. She called for Anna but she was nowhere to be seen, which was weird because it seemed like Anna rarely left the house. Mary went to the kitchen thirsty, but water wouldn’t do it. She grabbed a jug of what looked like smoothie, poured some in a glass and returned it to the fridge. Mary heard a sound come from Anna’s room so she decided to go check it out. She had only been in there once before and it was pretty empty. A closet, a bed, and a bookshelf in a corner. As Mary walked in she felt a weird, creepy sensation. She ignored it and decided to go explore a little since she had never really had the house to herself. Mary walked towards the bookshelf and picked out the first book on there. It had Mary Ann printed across the top. She stared at it with a confused look on her face. As she opened it, she found a little hollow place with a doll inside. Not just a regular doll, it was a voodoo doll that was dressed exactly like her. As Mary looked closer, she noticed that there was a tack stabbed in her stomach and something carved in it’s arm. She could barely make out the letters. ANNA. She gasped as she flipped to the middle of the book where it started with her birth date, year, time, even her weight!
“Oh my god! What is this?” she exclaimed as she continued to read.
Mary found out the book was all about her. From the beginning of her life till what happened just about an hour ago. Mary was beyond afraid now and as she put the book back in the shelf, she noticed that all the other books had names on them too. Names of victims. Mary decided to leave at that moment. She was scared, creeped out, and really worried. She didn’t know where she was going to go, or how she was going to leave, but all she wanted to do was get out. As she turned around to leave, she saw a familiar figure standing in front of her. The face was the same, but there was something different about the eyes. It didn’t take Mary another second to figure out who it was. Anna.
“Going somewhere?” she asked with a completely different voice.
Mary tried to scream but she couldn’t. No voice came out of her no matter how hard she tried.
“Don’t hurt yourself trying sweety, it’s not gonna work.” Anna crept towards Mary slowly and Mary, terrified as she could have ever been, threw the first thing she could lay hands on which unfortunately happened to be the book of her. Anna caught it swiftly and took out the voodoo doll. Noticing the tack in the doll, she decided to push it further in. Mary grunted in pain as she fell to the the ground.
“Oh did that hurt? Sorry. Here, I’ll just remove it for you,” Anna grinned as she snatched out the tack from the doll.
Mary’s heart was pounding so hard she couldn’t even focus on the pain. Why why why! Why is all she could think of. What the heck did she ever do to Anna? God! She hated her!
“Uh uh uh. I wouldn’t be thinking like that if I was in your place.” Anna laughed
“Why are you doing this?” Mary managed to scream. Her voice was back.
“Oh I see the juice finally wore off.”
“Juice? What juice? I didn’t have any jui- wait. The smoothie! Mary finally realized.”
“Wow you are a slow one,” Anna smirked.
“Who are you and why are you doing this to me?” Mary half asked and half yelled.
“My story isn’t important here, all I know is today is your lucky day.”
“What do you mean?”
“Today, by one shove of this lovely knife, I can make all of your problems disappear”
Mary gulped and decided to do what came to her mind. Run! Just pick up your legs and go for it, you might not make it that far but it’s worth a shot. As Mary was getting up, Anna pointed her finger and shut the door.
“What part of ‘I can read your mind’ did you not understand?”
Anna shoved the tack back in the voodoo doll and Mary was back on the floor again. Anna pulled out her knife before anything else could happen, and bent down to Mary.
“I’ve dealt with enough of your drama these past few months. It ends now.”
There was police at the house the next day. Someone reported a body inside the house, no evidence of who was it or what happened but something really weird about the case. Mary’s arm has ANNA carved into it.
Once the body was taken away, and everyone was gone, the house got locked down for further investigation. Most of the house was empty, except for the voodoo doll. The voodoo doll got up, and changed clothes. Clothes of another victim and ANNA still printed on its arm.

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