The Milkman | Teen Ink

The Milkman

March 25, 2014
By LordVexiz BRONZE, Meadow Vista, California
LordVexiz BRONZE, Meadow Vista, California
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope. ~ Winston Churchill ~

“Doctor’s notes: April 5th 1996, I have just interviewed the patient who’s file reads as Oliver Welton. He was extremely aggressive and it took three men to restrain him and put a straight jacket on him. During our interview there were several times where he tried to lunge at his guards and he even bit one of them. He began screaming saying ‘He is coming’ and ‘He is making his deliveries’. I told him many times that he was safe, and also asked who was coming. To this I got an answer that I did not expect… ‘The Milkman.’ My conclusion, is that the patient suffers from a form of epileptic paranoia. This would most likely explain his behavior.”

*Click* Dr. Richards turned off the tape recorder, and leaned back in his black leather office chair. As he sat there, he pondered what the patient said. “The Milkman,” he whispered softly to himself. “That is the fifth patient that has said that this week. What could it mean?” He dismissed it to the back of his mind, and sat up to use his computer. As he worked, the thought lingered and began to catch his curiosity again slowly. He then opened a window on his computer, and searched through the asylum’s patient files. To his surprise he found a single link between the patients; they all had been admitted to the Denbigh Asylum on the same day, and none of them had any previous records of their mental disorders.
“Up until that day they all were normal healthy people,” stated Dr. Richards in a puzzled voice, “What could this have happened to them?”
He picked up the phone that sat on his desk, and dialed his bosses number. His boss picked up with an almost irritated tone.
“What do you want Richards? I’m in the middle of my vacation.”
“Sir I have found something odd about five of the new patients. They all are-”
“Richards, do I need to remind you we work in a mental asylum, all the patients are odd.”
“But sir it is different, they all-”
“Richards I’m not paying you to stand around and play patty-cake with the mentally unstable.”
“But sir please!” exclaimed Richards in a desperate attempt to try to get the information across.
The phone made a tone as his boss hung up the phone.
“God dang it…” said Richards, who was obviously furious due to the lack of respect that was given.
Later that day, Richards made his walk home since he only lived a couple of miles away. He figured that it would be a good idea to take a shortcut through the backwoods, since the sun was falling quickly in the sky.
“That ungrateful idiot! He never hears me out ever. This could lead onto something extremely large. Tomorrow I need to check all the patients’ fi-” Richards stopped mid sentence as his blood ran cold. He was being watched from the growing darkness that surrounded him. “Alright who is there? I’m warning you, I’m armed!” Which was a lie, since he didn't have or know how to use a gun.
Suddenly a figure rose up out of the bushes and stopped about ten feet away from him. It was a rather tall creature, about 7 feet tall. Richards stared at the figure and was petrified out of fear, and made no movement. As his eyes adjusted he saw that the figure was wearing a once white, now blood stained, uniform. It wore a tattered hat that matched the exactly look of a milkman’s cap, and below the brim shined a pair of red eyes. The figure made it’s way over to Richards, who was still paralyzed from fear. As the figure moved closer, its body began to stretch and distort. It then wrapped its elongated body around Richards and then after an eternity of silence, the figure spoke.
“It is time to make my deliveries…” it said in a distorted and static tone.
Then everything went black for Dr. Richards….
“Doctor’s notes: Dr. Young April 7th 1996, I have just interviewed Dr. Richards… or at least what is left of him. He was found earlier in the woods near the edge of the asylum, with his head in his hands. There were several abrasions covering his body, as if he was beating himself or he was beaten. I asked him a series of questions relating to his life, and to every single one there was the same couple of phrases. ‘He is the Milkman...’ and ‘He is making his deliveries….’ It seems that he is suffering from a form of epileptic paranoia, which is not uncommon for someone like him to develop due to stress. He is no longer able to function in society so he has been admitted into the same asylum that he worked at. Further investigations have been disclosed due to the lack of any evidence supporting this so called, ‘Milkman’ character. End of doctor’s notes.”

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 2 2014 at 1:30 pm
AnnaLaufeyson BRONZE, Walker, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
This is really good! The snip-its at the beginning and end gave very important details and really pulled the story together.