a twist | Teen Ink

a twist

July 8, 2024
By kiannaallen BRONZE, Lyndonville, Vermont
kiannaallen BRONZE, Lyndonville, Vermont
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

There were two girls and they were best friends but they constantly argued about such little things that weren't really big issues but they argued about them anyways.

Everything was going good until one day one of the girls got a call from her friend's mom that her best friend had disappeared and was never coming back. So the girl took it upon herself to go out and talk bad about her best friend. 

She made all these new friends and they continuously talked about her.

As the days went on they all just kept talking until she felt a tap on her shoulder…… it was her BEST FRIEND…. She heard everything she said to them, she turned around and said “what are you doing here” the girl really thought that her friend wasn't ever coming back, until she did, and  realized they were all talking bad about her. 

She left the room and worried about what was gonna happen, her best friend was talking bad about her while she was gone. 

 Thinking, “I was only gone for a few days and she really went out and made new friends” After a few minutes she went to her class and everyone was shocked to see her back there again. Everyone was whispering about her, and she started to get nervous about what they were all talking about. 

The other girl was still talking bad about her with her new friends not even worrying about why her friend just randomly disappeared one day and told her mom she was never coming back, she didn't even dare ask any questions about what happened, where she went, or why she even left in the first place.

A few hours later she was walking in the hall with her new friends and she ran into her best friend and then her best friend  was gone AGAIN… Truth be told till this day the girl has yet to back and see her family.

The author's comments:

i am a teen at Lyndon Institute High School, i love writing in my free time. this piece consists of some mystery about a girl and her friends. 

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