The Family Heist | Teen Ink

The Family Heist

September 15, 2022
By Michellemavs05 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Michellemavs05 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Family Heist

In 2041, Lexa planned to rob the biggest bank in the city of Foe. She planned every last detail and created multiple plans. Everything had to be perfect for her plan to work. But, Lexa knew she was missing something, she knew she couldn’t pull this off alone. So she went to the only person she knew she could trust. Stone, her older sister, was always a faster thinker and Lexa knew that Stone would think of everything that she didn’t. Lexa also needed inside knowledge of being a thief if she was going to go through with this plan. So she tracked down the most infamous thieves in Foe, The Trio. Lexa knew letting them in on the plan was risky, but she needed them for their set of skills. Mimi , Holly, Mia, Stone, and Lexa now had the perfect team to pull the heist off. Now for the next 5 years they all would plan and think of every possible mistake they could make. 

Today, October of 2046, is the day they all have been waiting for. Lexa was ready, she was up at 5am just to make sure everything was perfect and nothing could go wrong. Lexa set up the getaway car while the others finished up preparing for the big day. Finally, the five were on the way to Ney Bank. Once they arrived they walked in a very banal manner so no one would suspect anything. Lexa stood in the center of Ney Bank telling the people to stay calm and get down, she spoke in a calm but austere voice. Stone went straight to the vault and typed in the code. Mia and Holly stood by the vault as Mimi stayed by Lexa to control the people. Once the vault was open Mia, Holly and Stone gathered the money and put it in the bag. 

Everything was going as planned until Mimi signaled for Mia and Holly to get out of the vault, The Trio had other things planned for this heist. Their plan was to take the money and make it look like Lexa and Stone were fully responsible. Holly and Mia got out of their disguises; Mia put the money in the getaway car, while Holly called the cops.  

Lexa knew what was going on and confronted Holly about calling the cops, she called her a traitor and a liar. Stone tried to calm the situation down but was struck in the head with the phone by Holly. Holly forced Lexa to comply and tied her up to give themselves more time. The Trio’s plan was to blend in with the hostages, get the money in the car, then make it look like the hostages took over and took Lexa and Stone down. 

As soon as the cops got there there was no way out. The Trio let everyone out including themselves. They ran out going straight to the cops. In all of the commotion Mia slipped away to the car and drove off with the money. Mimi made a scene telling the police what happened. She told them how these two women came into the bank with masks and guns forcing them to stay quiet. As they played the victims, Mia got to the location The Trio planned to meet at. She got the money out to see their success but Mia saw nothing but black sheets of paper. 

As Holly and Mia were “selling them out”, Lexa and Stone were separately questioned. What The Trio didn’t know was that Lexa and Stone thought of every last detail and any possible thing that could go wrong. Lexa knew that it was a possibility for The Trio to betray them, so she had a backup plan of her own. Lexa knew they’d go straight to the cops as a distraction as Mia took off with the “money”. Therefore, when Stone was opening the vault she had two bags, one for the actual money and the other she put blank paper at the bottom then put the guns that they were going to use to scare the people. Lexa only started to argue with Holly as a distraction while Stone switched the bags before Mia took it to the getaway car. Stone took the money and hid it under a loose tile in the bank. 

Meanwhile , when Lexa and Stone were getting questioned they made a deal with the detective. The detective knew they couldn’t have done it by themselves, so they made a deal to tell them who else was involved and in return they’d be let go. But , Lexa hesitated to expect this deal, she realized she spent 5 years with The Trio. She began to see them as family. However, The Trio didn’t hesitate so Lexa knew what she had to do. Lexa took the deal and told them everything. 

But, the thing that Lexa and Stone didn’t consider was that the detectives were not going to honor their deal. Lexa and Stone were taken to prison as soon as the questioning ended. Along with The Trio who were caught trying to exit the city. The money from this family heist was never found and no one other than Stone knew where it was.

The author's comments:

In my short story I talk about a group of women who plan a big heist. These women spend 5 years together planning and getting to know each other. They soon became close, almost like family. The Trio betray the other two, Lexa and Stone are conflicted but not completely surprised by this considering they know how The Trio thinks. Essentially the moral of this story is that even people you thought you were close to can betray you if it means saving themselves. 

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