All good things come to an end | Teen Ink

All good things come to an end

September 12, 2022
By brandiverdin123 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
brandiverdin123 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All good things come to an end

Dayana went out with Brisa and Rashelle to brunch at Mod Pizza. Richard the waiter was taking their order. Dayana had just got out of a relationship which is why her friends took her out to get distracted. Brisa would notice that the waiter could not keep his eyes out of dayana “tell him something” rashelle screamed from the back. Dayana ignored it as well as richard. Once they got their food they were eating and enjoying their time together. They cleaned up their mess and were getting ready to leave. As heading to the door they could hear someone say

“Hey” from the back dayana ignored it and walked out.

           Days passed by dayana continue to heal from her last relationship and from the trauma she went through. She decided to get up one night and go out for some drinks. She felt as if she needed some time to treat herself for once. She went to the bar, got a few drinks, not even 20 minutes passed by and someone tapped her shoulder. She turns around and it’s Richard the waiter who took her order at Mod Pizza a few weeks ago. As soon as they locked eyes she said she is not interested. Richard then said just give me one chance let me try to meet you and get to know you more as a friend at least. She let Richard sit next to her and they both got a few more drinks. Dayana had to go home and she agreed to exchange numbers. Before she left he offered to take her home but she rejected the offer because she brought her own car. Once she got home she felt happy but she knew she had to stay autonomous.

Next morning she woke up to a morning text from Richard she tried to ignore it for the day she was trying to not get  attached. She finally gave in and texted him back. They were talking a little about themselves, the day was over and they both got on the phone. They continued to text and went out on a couple of dates. Dayana realized that she was the antithesis of Richard. He was more outgoing, friendly and could open up to people easily. On the other hand was more like a quiet, homebody, had trouble with opening up and making new friends and was a very hardworking independent female. In her case she had been let down so many times to the point where she had capricious moods that nobody could stand. She knew she needed help and needed to talk to someone as possible but she and the people around her ignored the signs.

         One Richard and Dayana got closer they talked about their differences , they both agreed to not do stuff that would jsut hurt the other person. She started to grow a soft spot for richard, He treated her with all respect and kindness. All her friends started noticing she was becoming happier each day. Dayana never told anyone about him because she was afraid that someone could ruin their current relationship. She then noticed it was time to tell her parents and friends about him. Dayana never got that opportunity to that though he never mentioned anything about his parents and that grew a concern in dayana but she let it go and left that topic. They were doing just fine their relationship grew stronger each day and they looked happy to everyone byt they really did not know what would happen behind the doors.

         Even though she was really happy in the relationships problems started happening and they would escalate quickly. Richard started gettinf really distant once dayana noticed she tried to chage her ways tried to not be so toxic with him but he was not putting effort to at least fix any issues that were happening at the moment. He chaged in so many ways and no matter how many times dayaa would try to talk it out he showed like he did not care that obviously hurt dayana.          Once she had enough of it she followed richard he had told her he was going to hagout with some friends but never told her what friends or where would they be going. She followed him to some apartments where he got down and then followed him to the door where she found out he was cheating she went crazy and was having a lot of mixed emotions she felt angry and dissapointed at the same time. She did not know what to say or what to think so she pulled out the weapon she sneaked in her purse as she was gettinf down the car. She decided to pull the trigger and killed richard.

     Dayana ran to her car and was processing what she had just done. She knew it was wrong and she should have done something else but all the emotions that she was feeling drove her crazy to the point that she did wha she did. Dayana turned herslef in and told the police everything that happened and she confessed that she needs help now , she got the help she needed but still regrets what she did.

The author's comments:

Teenager in Texas pursuing her med school career. 

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