Blackened Misery | Teen Ink

Blackened Misery

May 28, 2021
By travin8989 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
travin8989 BRONZE, Murrieta, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

 He arrived home late from work. It had been a disappointing, dreadful year as a whole. His boss, who had promised him a promotion, hadn't given it to him. But, the problem was, he and his wife were banking on that promotion, they thought that he would surely get it. So, they believed the new promotion would be able to cover new interior designs for some parts of their house. A complete redesign of their bedroom and living room. However, the promotion never came, and as such, they threw themselves unnecessarily into debt, as well as misery. As he entered his and his wife’s bedroom, he thought about how messy it was, and how simplistic it looked. They were surely scammed on the interior designs, their bedroom looked as though it was a hotel room. Even worse, it currently looked like a messy hotel room. The bedsheets were completely disorganized; with bedsheets and blankets being scattered all over the room here and there, along with some pillows missing. The bed was just a complete mess, along with the room itself. Laundry was laying out, whether or not it was clean or dirty, he wasn’t willing to find out. Then, the thought occurred to himself, about how it looked like a struggle. After that though, just to be safe, he called out for his wife. No response. He called out again, and again, but the only response he got was silence. As he began to search his bedroom, he held out his phone, having 911 on dial just in case. However, as he went to search the bedroom bathroom, he noticed that a black blob, slime-like substance, with a furry texture, seemed to be pouring out of it the bathroom, by the gallon. The black, unknown substance gave off a smell of rotten egg. At first, he thought it may have been a plumbing issue, perhaps sewage coming back up? Surely checking the bathroom would give him some more answers. Peering in through the door, sticking only his head in the doorway, hovering over the black substance, trying his best to avoid it. He saw his wife lying in the bathtub, with the strange substance running out of the bath’s faucet, covered in the substance. She appeared to be unconscious. The substance around her seemed to be pulsating, as though alive. By this point, he knew that whatever this was, it was outside of his knowledge. Ignoring all of his questions and thoughts, in a desperate attempt to see if she was ok, even though he knew the chances of her being alright were slim, he called out her name. However, this time, she responded. But, whatever she said, it surely wasn’t human. The sounds seemed inhumane, no, not just inhumane, unearthly, a sound so indescribable it only left him puzzled. While trying to process what he had just heard, the black substance jumped towards him at an incredibly fast speed. He jumped back, falling to the ground. Thankfully, the substance missed his head, but it had grabbed hold of his shoe, crushing his foot in an instant. He yelped out in pain and agony. The substance began crawling up his leg while simultaneously dragging him into the bathroom. By this point, 911 had been on the phone for just over a couple of seconds now. When the 911 operator asked him if he required assistance, the phone was silent for what felt like an hour, then he responded back, stating that he was perfectly fine, and said that he had misinterpreted the situation. 

The author's comments:

All of these stories were written in less than an hour.

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