The Closet | Teen Ink

The Closet

August 28, 2012
By Chrysaora GOLD, Providence Forge, Virginia
Chrysaora GOLD, Providence Forge, Virginia
10 articles 2 photos 63 comments

Tina is sitting on her bed, her eyes looking at her closet door. A tapping sound is quietly heard.
TINA: Mommy!
[Tapping sound gets louder]
TINA: Mommy!
[Mother comes into the room]
MOTHER: What is it, Tina?
TINA: Mommy, there’s something in my closet!
[Tina holds blanket up to her eyes]
MOTHER: Don’t be silly.
[Mother takes blanket and folds it back]
TINA: I’m not! There really was something in my closet and it made a sound!
MOTHER: Alright; what kind of sound?
TINA: It knocked on the door!
MOTHER: [laughs] You must have imagined it. It was probably a branch scraping the window.
TINA: I didn’t imagine it! It did knock on the door, I know it did!
MOTHER: Of course, sweetheart.
[Mother kisses girl’s forehead]
MOTHER: Now be a good girl and go to sleep. Then you won’t have to worry about the sounds. Goodnight Tina!
[Mother turns off light and walks out. Tina lies down on the pillow, looking at the window. Another knock comes from the closet doo. Tina closes her eyes. Another tap comes]
VOICE: Tina…Tina!
TINA: [shrieks] Mommy!
[Mother runs back into the room as Tina turns on her light.]
MOTHER: Tina! What is the matter with you?
TINA: I can’t sleep Mommy, I just can’t! It knocked again, and then it called my name!
MOTHER: Don’t be ridiculous Tina! This joke has to stop.
[A knock comes from the closet]
TINA: There! See?
MOTHER: Tina! I’m being serious. Please stop! You’re making me worried.
[Tina holds up her hands as another knock is heard]
TINA: It wasn’t me!
[A thump is heard from the closet. Mother jumps up and throws open the closet door. An empty hanger is gently rocking back and forth, and a jacket is crumpled on the floor.]
MOTHER: [laughs in relief] It was just your jacket. It must have been sliding off of the hanger, which made it shake and hit the door and then it fell. See? There’s nothing in your closet. No monster, nothing at all. So don’t be silly; no more monsters or jokes, okay?
TINA: Alright Mommy.
[Mother pats Tina and turns off her light again.]
MOTHER: Goodnight Tina.
[Mother leaves.]
TINA: Goodnight Mommy.
[Tina settles down and closes her eyes. Another tap is heard. Tina opens her eyes and sits up]
TINA: I’m not silly. There isn’t anything there but my hanger.
[Tina closes her eyes, opens her closet door, and opens her eyes. A face peers down at her, it’s hand tapping on the door.]
VOICE: Tina!
[Tina screams and the closet door shuts.]

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This article has 4 comments.

Funne GOLD said...
on Feb. 23 2014 at 9:15 am
Funne GOLD, Cleveland, Ohio
19 articles 0 photos 48 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I never ask a man what his business is, for it never interests me. What I ask him about are his thoughts and dreams."

-H.P Lovecraft

strange, but interesting

on Sep. 3 2012 at 5:56 pm
FreeAtLast GOLD, Limerick, Maine
16 articles 1 photo 16 comments

Favorite Quote:

I loved this.. really i did.. NIce ending

LunaLives GOLD said...
on Sep. 3 2012 at 11:40 am
LunaLives GOLD, South Bend, Indiana
17 articles 0 photos 237 comments

Favorite Quote:
Because I can!-Me "Life is a choice and death is a decision"-Lil Wayne

I really liked it. It reminded me of monsters ink.

on Sep. 3 2012 at 11:36 am
MadelynHope BRONZE, Trophy Club, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
"All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." -Walt Disney

Good thriller type! I like reading screenplays, and this one was pretty good :) The reactions between the mother and daughter were realistic, too! Good job :) Keep writing.