Kynereth's Creation | Teen Ink

Kynereth's Creation

May 5, 2014
By Brock Reese BRONZE, Hartford, South Dakota
Brock Reese BRONZE, Hartford, South Dakota
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Before there was land, there was only one being surrounded by nothing. This being had no name. This was before time was created, so we do not know when the being had it’s first thought, but we do know that the thought was of it’s own name and and gender.

The being named itself Kynereth, and called herself a female. That first thought came with other things too. It came with feelings: the feeling of motivation, good-will, and love. To balance out these overwhelming feelings, Kynereth created lust, desire, and hate from the sure power of her will. Kythereth did not fully understand these feelings, and for that we can be grateful.

When she created these new feelings in her, she did not quite understand how each of them worked, and there for she accidentally did not make them as strong as they could be. This small mistake is both a blessing and a cures for the universe Kynereth was about to create. The feelings of motivation, good-will, and love where still powerful enough for Kynereth to create good things. The feelings of lust, desire, and hate in turn drove her to create bad things.

This was still before time, so it is unknown how long it took all of these events took to transpire. We know that eventually Kynereth’s feeling drove her to make the first land. Kynereth thought that the land that she created was boring and blank, so she made the first water to fill half of the land with the feelings of motivation, good-will, and love. She then created grass to grow next to the water with the same feelings. Then the feelings of lust, desire, and hate urged Kynereth to create earthquakes. The earthquakes destroyed the land and cause huge waves to come from the sea.

Kynereth continued creating two good things, to satisfy her good feelings, and then one bad creation, to satisfy her bad feelings. She created thinks like tornadoes, language, fire, animals, and fear. She did this until everything was created in the universe except for three things.

Kynereth decided that she needed something to rule over her land that she created. She decide that the new creation should be like her, so Kynereth created the first human. She then created tools for the humans to rule with. For her final bad creation, she created death and pain. Death and pain combined where so destructive that Kynereth decide to never create anything ever again. She promised to the humans that she will take away all bad creations if they can ever completely overcome the feelings of lust, desire, and hate.

Ever since that promise, humans have strived to become free of all bad feelings. They have so far never been successful, but they still hope for the day where only good feelings are left. If that day ever comes, all pain and suffering will be cleaned from all of the land, and humans will live in peace.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 9 2014 at 11:29 am
This is an awesome story.