Raised by Wolves | Teen Ink

Raised by Wolves

December 16, 2013
By Anonymous

The boy woke up one morning... everyone in the wolf pack was gone except for his friend Blazer, who was the runt of the litter and wasn't quite accepted by the other wolves. The boy woke up Blazer, Blazer started sniffing around trying to find their scent but, he couldn't find it because of the fresh layer of snow on the ground that fell over night. They were confused and wondering, did they get kicked out of the pack or did they just go hunting without them? But why? Did they do something wrong?

The boy and Blazer spent the rest of that day searching for the others. They had to kill an occasional rabbit for food. But that didn't satisfy their hunger for long. They went hunting for a deer. Blazer caught onto the scent of some deer that moved through earlier that morning and started following the trail. He eventually lost it when they crossed the river. The river wasn't completely useless though. They got a drink and the boy speared a couple of salmon swimming by. They made a shelter from a cedar tree and some sticks. They snuggled together under the boy's moose hide coat.

They started out the next morning crossing the river by walking across a tree that fell across the river bank to bank. The tree was covered in moss and was wet and slippery. The boy slipped and fell off the right side of the fallen tree grabbing onto a branch of the tree. Blazer was barking at him. The boy was trying to pull himself up he finally got up far enough, then Blazer bit his coat and helped pull him up. Now safely back on the tree they proceeded to cross the river. While they were walking around trying to find the pack they heard growling noises from the dense foliage surrounding the forest like a wall. They stopped and listened... they heard it again. A bear comes busting through the trees and starts chasing them. They both turned and ran, dodging trees and briar patches. The bear was getting close. Blazer takes the lead and the boy followed wondering where he was going.

The bear was gone. Where did he go? They turned around and started looking and the bear had fallen to his death in a pitfall. The boy and Blazer were shocked and wondering how they missed the pitfall. That could have been them in there dead.

As they proceeded to look for the pack Blazer started to smell something. He was sniffing around and wagging his tail. Then he stopped he was pointing to the north the boy crouched down to see what he was looking at. It was the pack. The boy grasped his spear tightly and started walking towards them he was going to kill Three Toe.

I started running towards them, I found Three Toe in the pack and headed straight for him. The closer and closer I got the more my adrenaline is flowing. Three Toe sees me coming and turns around growling. The hairs raising on the back of his neck, his ears are back he was ready for the fight. He leaps at the boy, the boys knocks him off with his spear. They were at a stand still circling around each other waiting for one to make a move. Three Toe charges him he leaps at the boy and he stuck his spear right in his chest.

Three Toe fell on me bleeding and motionless. My spear went straight through his chest killing him almost instantly. The pack and I buried the carcass of Three Toe and went on our way.

The pack and I moved on to different land to get a fresh start with me as their leader now. First we had to find a den where we would be out of the weather and all six of us could fit comfortably. We found an old abandoned cave that did not show any signs anything living there. During the night when we huddled together to sleep started to hear growling noises. It was a deep growl like one of a black bear. I woke up the others, they heard it and got curious. As they were moving closer to the growls I saw the silhouette of the bear in the moonlight charging at them.

The wolves started biting and clawing at the bear but, it was too strong. Finally they bit him on his legs and he started to go down for an easy kill. We used the bear for food and warmth with the fur. The next morning we woke up and decided to find a new home. One without any large animals living in it. We found a spot near a stream on the side of a small mountain with a hole in it. Blazer and I went to go check it out. This time there was nothing in it, there was just enough room for the pack to fit in there. There wasn't any secret tunnels with bears in them. Just a hole in the side of a cave.

We started the next day scouting for food sources. There was wildlife everywhere elk, moose, rabbit, squirrels, bears, deer. Plenty of food for us for a while. We decided this was the place for us to stay.

Our lives were much easier after Three Toe passed on. He was always so mean and nasty towards the other wolves making them go out and kill food for him while he lied in the den and slept. Mother was happy she had a place now where she could have pups safely. All of the pack seemed much happier.

One afternoon in the spring a group of loggers came in to cut down our trees. We spent a couple days trying to get to them but they had guns. We had to sneak up on them and get them when they would least expect it and kill them so they couldn't cut down our trees. Early the next morning the pack got out and got close to the camp the workers stayed at and stalked them all the way back in the forest. This day they didn't bring any guns. They started marking trees to cut them later. We started creeping in on them, in a couple minutes we had them surrounded they had nowhere to run. As we eased in one them slowly on of the workers noticed me. He said “Look its John's boy that got lost in the woods!” I didn't understand what the man wanted he came over to me slowly with he hand held out trying to get me to go with him. I leaned forward and smelt his hand it smelled like sweat and chainsaw gasoline. I could tell these guys meant harm but I stepped back away from the man.

I wasn't for sure if I should go with him or not. I was fine with the pack but he knows my father. I pondered on it that night. The men came back this morning with another man supposedly my father. He was trying to get me to come to him by motioning his hands in a weird manor. I didn't quite understand. He started walking closer to me with his hand out. His lips were moving like he was telling me something but I couldn't speak so I didn't know what he was saying. Blazer slowly crept towards him my father stopped moving and let Blazer sniff him. Blazer started wagging his tail as if he likes my father. I felt like it was ok to approach him. When I got to him, he embraced me in a hug and said,
“ Thank god we found you.”

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This article has 1 comment.

on Dec. 21 2013 at 3:38 am
JamieNichole BRONZE, Hot Springs Village, Arkansas
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.

This is a great story! You need to be careful though because you switched from third person to first person a couple times through-out, and you're missing some commas. I loved the story still!