Dew Frog | Teen Ink

Dew Frog

June 7, 2024
By 5burkhart BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
5burkhart BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Once upon a time, there was a frog named Albert. Albert lived inside a small little house next to his very own swamp and ate multiple flies each day. 10 in the morning and 10 at night. One day, Albert decided he wanted to go outside his house to explore. When he tried to open the door it didn’t even budge. He ran upstairs and looked out his bedroom window to check what was blocking the door and he couldn’t believe his own eyes. It was a giant Mountain Dew bottle right in front of his house, towering over like a skyscraper. With the bottle still unopened, he decided to get a ladder and check it out.

He took the ladder and reached it to the very top of the cap. He climbed and climbed until he got to the cap. He stood on top of the cap and looked around as far as he could see. He saw his swamp, his small house, woods, and far more than he even thought was in the world. Albert then saw in the distance a massive dark gray storm coming towards him. Albert clambered quickly down the ladder, got it off the bottle, and quickly ran inside. Terrified, he went to his bed and fell asleep. BAM! The sound of lightning struck his swamp. BOOM! This time it struck a tree. CRRRR! This time it struck the Mountain Dew bottle and sent it flying into the swamp.

The next morning, Albert awoke from his bed and looked out the window to see what happened to his swamp. The empty bottle was now floating. Albert ran downstairs and out the front door to his swamp. He jumped inside and instantly his whole body began to glow. When he started to swim, he swam more than he could ever swim and when he jumped out of the water, he accidentally jumped over his own house. Albert was amazed at his new powers. He never knew that this was what would happen if he ever touched the mysterious liquid in the bottle. Albert finally felt power, so he croaked, but when he crocked, fiery green liquid came out of his mouth like a dragon, burning all things in his path. Albert now knew that he was unique. Albert was now a superhero: Dew Frog.

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