A Dog's Mind | Teen Ink

A Dog's Mind

May 30, 2024
By 4thusius SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
4thusius SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The drowsy dog stuck its head out of its owner’s lemon colored Lamborghini. They were heading to the beach a couple hours away. It was so windy out that his big floppy ears kept covering his eyes. He was so sleepy and tired, so he decided to take a snooze in the backseat. When he fell asleep he started to have a strange dream. 

His dream started out on the moon. He was exploring the craters. They were voluptuous and they were filled with malice as he tumbled into them. He loved how he was able to see everything from the moon. He could see stars, Earth, and all the other planets. He felt like the most special dog in ‒or out of‒ the world. 

He was absolutely famished. A star flew in his mouth and he started eating them all. Once he tried a star, he couldn't stop. They placated his taste buds in the best way ever. The aliens marched over and demanded that he stop. He had made a code six violation. “NO EATING STARS”  they shouted in unison. He felt horrible but they were irresistible, he couldn’t stay away. He was a novice on the moon and didn’t know any of the rules. The aliens were very upset and the dog abhorred them. He decided he would trick them by making them some shiny star soup . As he brought them their soup, they realized what he had done. Not only did he eat stars, he tried to beguile them into eating stars. They decided that he would be sentenced to…  5 years in alien jail. 

The dog knew what he had done but he didn’t know the consequences. He was about to be taken away when all of a sudden ‒SLURRP‒  the aliens were eating his soup. And enjoying it. They exalted him for his superb star soup and instead of going to jail, they told him he must open up a star soup restaurant. The dog was very honest and told the aliens that he must go back to Earth and be with his family. The aliens understood and gave the dog a trophy for the best star soup. They were very sad that he was leaving and withdrew the ban on star eating. From now on, there would be star restaurants everywhere and they told the dog he was welcome back any time. They all said goodbye and the dog got on his spaceship back to Earth.

As he opened his eyes, the sun was shining and he could feel the heat rays on his fuzzy face. He didn’t understand where his spaceship was or how he got in the backseat of a car. He was so confused, and then all of a sudden he saw his owners smiling back at him “did you have a good nap?” they asked him. The wind had died down and as he stuck his face back out the window he began to smell the salty air and all he could think about was how bad he wanted star soup. 

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