Make a Wish | Teen Ink

Make a Wish

April 4, 2023
By Anonymous

Today was my sixteenth birthday. I was so excited for this day because I had been waiting for this day for years, because sixteen is just a special age. After I got ready, Luna picked me up, since she was Already 16 and had gotten her driver’s license.
Now we’re both getting our books from our lockers and waiting for first block to start.
            “Who do you think left it there?” Luna asks me as she opens her locker.
            “I have no idea, but it has to be a birthday present from someone,” I told her as I carefully studied the box I had found in my locker earlier this morning.
            “What is inside it?” she asks me still n[BB5] ot looking at me, while she struggles to get her books out.
            “Candles. Five candles.”
            “Ah, so it’s a birthday present.”
            “Yes, but there is no name, and five candles are a weird birthday gift, don’t you think?”
            “You’re right,” she said as she closed her locker. We both start walking towards our classroom, since we both had English first block.
            After the lesson, which felt like forever, Luna and I were walking to the changing rooms since our next block was PE.
            “Remember 16 wishes?” Luna asks me out of nowhere.
            “The movie with Debby Ryan? Yeah, I remember, why?” I ask her, not sure where she is going with this.
            “What if the candles you got are the same just like the movies,” she said to me, in a serious tone. We both looked at each other for a moment, and then burst out laughing. I decided to play along and got out the box of candles, from my bag. As I opened the box, I saw all the small candles, and a little match box in it.
            “Alright, what should I wish for?” I asked her as I opened it.
            “Hmm… just start by wishing for a water maybe?” she shrugs.
            “Okay,” I got out one of the candles, and a match. Then, I turned the match on, and lit the candle. I held the candle in front of me, and closed my eyes, “I wish I had a bottle of water,” and then blew the candle, and opened my eyes. Luna and I both look at each other and start laughing again.
            “Eh, it was worth a try,” Luna said as she shrugged.
            “Good morning, Rachel, happy birthday,” one of my class mates, Julia, said as she walked into the changing rooms, “I got you a bottle of water, since I know you always forget to bring one yourself.”
            She handed me the water bottle, and I looked at Luna, but she was already looking at me with wide eyes.
            “Thank you, Julia, I really appreciate it,” I said while I smiled at her.
            “You guys better get going,” she warned us, “The students from the class before told me coach is in a bad mood today,” she then turned around to leave the room, but before she stepped out, she turned back to us, “also, we’re playing football today, just so you know.” She then left the room completely.
            “No. Way,” Luna said excitedly.
            “Come on, it has to be a coincidence,” I said to her, not believing that the candles were responsible for the water.
            “Try another one,” Luna says hurriedly.
            “But what should I wish for now?”
            “We do another one like that, wish for a doughnut or something.”
            I looked at her with my brows raised, “seriously? A doughnut?”
            “Just try it, come on,” she said as she took the box from my hands, got out a candle, and lit it. She then handed it to me, “come on.”
            “I wish for a strawberry doughnut, with sprinkles,” I said, and then blew out the candle.
            We both wait for someone to show up with a doughnut, but no one came.
            “See? I told you, coincidence,” I then got up to open my changing room locker to get my hair tie. When I opened it, I saw a strawberry doughnut with sprinkles in it.
            “Oh my god,” I took picked it up, turned around, and showed it to Luna. Her eyes went wide.
“No way,” we both just stood there for a second as we looked at each other.
“I think we should go to class now, coach is already mad,” I said to her. She agreed and we left the box of candles and the doughnut in my locker as we went to class.
After PE, and after we changed out of out gym clothes, we got the candles out again. During this lesson, one of the girls we don’t get along with started an argument, again.  But the thing is, she is the coach’s favorite student, so we were the ones getting in trouble.
“Wish for her to get detention instead of us,” Luna said in anger.
“I don’t understand why coach was on her side, she was the one throwing insults out first,” I said while packing my bag.
“I’m serious; wish for her to get in trouble instead.”
I looked at her for a bit. I decided that it wasn’t such a bad idea.
“I wish for Rebecca to get in trouble instead of us.”
When we walked around the hallways, we saw the counselor talking to Rebecca. She looked furious, and then she glared at us when she saw us. We then understood that she did get in trouble. 
“What are going to wish for? You only have two candles left,” Luna asked me.
We were now sitting in the cafeteria, eating our lunch.
            “You keep talking about these wishes, can we stop?” I told her.
            “What do you mean? Do you know how lucky you are to have those? I don’t remember getting five wishes for my birthday,” she said frustrated.
            I got up from the table we were eating and left without saying anything else. I knew she wanted me to wish for something she would benefit off as well, but I won’t let that happen, they’re my wishes, not hers.
             I found myself in the bathroom, I had one of the candles in my hand, it was lit and closed my eyes. I was going to wish for a car.
            “What are you wishing for?” I heard Luna’s voice from behind me, and I groaned in annoyance.
            “What do you want?” I said, as I turned around.
            “You’re my best friend, I don’t want to fight with you,” she said as she came closer to me.
“Honestly, you’re so annoying, sometimes I wish you were dead.”
            The lit candle went out, and Luna fell to the ground. I was shocked, I just stood there with my eyes wide, staring at her. I didn’t know how to react; I had just killed my best friend. This was my fault, who wishes death upon someone? I didn’t know what to do, but then I remembered that I had one more wish left.
            I opened the box as fast as I could to get out the candle and wish for her back. I lit the candle and held it shakingly in front of me.
            “I wish for Luna to come back to life.”

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