The Other World | Teen Ink

The Other World

May 27, 2009
By Maegan Ladd BRONZE, Lubbock, Texas
Maegan Ladd BRONZE, Lubbock, Texas
1 article 0 photos 7 comments

A crisp breeze ruffled the branches of the oak before me and danced with ruby and gold leaves on the ground. Autumn gracefully swept through the land with the glory of Summer's sunshine and the pleasant chill of Winter's break. Glancing to the earthen path beside me I sank against the ancient trunk of the oak and swore to hear my name spoken.
"Gemma..Gemma.." it called. But when I opened my eyes to look, no lips were there to speak. I sighed. A great nothing spread out inside my chest and threatened to burst me at my seams. Yet naught could I do to empty a heart full of nothing. An empty vile sat contentedly in my left hand and the solace of the sleep it carried offered to take me away. So I took his hand gratefully.
"Gemma, you ninny. Up and at em. You can not be asleep. I see that grin on your face." Eyes of ocean gray pered straight into mine of velvet green, a smirk alighting the sparkle they contained. My best friend Felix knelled two inches from me in his favorite rumpled brown, britches and a loose white shirt. I groaned vexed at being pulled from a most marvelous dream and told hims so.
But Felix smiled even more and hauled me to my feet. We were going fairy hunting tonight and we were convinced we had found not only a dancing ring but an Elder Circle as well.
Often Felix and I dreamed of the Selie Court as the realm of the faries was called. I also dreamed of being swept away into their world of magic and mischief. The full moon glistened bright and fortold of the faries monthly night of dancing. Before we left my house (how Felix excaped his mother the "Hawk Eye" I never knew), Felix took me by the hand and pulled me to face him. I felt slightly off ease, not from being close to him as that happened often and casually enough, by the look in which he regarded me. "Gemma" Felix whisptered,"I do not know what we will find tonight, but I am glad you are going with me." He paused. My cheeks burned with fire. "I want to know Gemma, whether we fail or find, will you stay with me forever?" Words failed me and I could only smile and nod yes with my enthusiasm. He beamed brighter than the moonlight and we ran to the elder oak. "Oh, yes. I almost forgot," and he swooped down on me with a kiss. "Ahem.." I rapped him lightly on the nose.
Felix raised on crooked eyebrow and was about to say something when the oak spheres filled all the colors of the rainbow. Stepping away from Felix, I thought outloud and said, "We did it!"
Other worldly music filled the air as the fair folk began to dance. I smiled watching the shimmering wings and tinkering bells. They mixed with our delightful laughter.

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