consequences of love | Teen Ink

consequences of love

February 1, 2017
By milacook BRONZE, Barstow, California
milacook BRONZE, Barstow, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was just another day at church she thought, but today was different. Today is the day melissa meet her future boyfriend. His name is angel. She seen him a couple of times, but they never talked until today. He finally said "HI". They started talking and 6 months passed and they were a couple. Everything seemed good except for these passed coupe of weeks. Angel didnt talk to melissa much anymore. He didnt even bother to text her. Melissa had girls texting her telling her hes a cheater and hes cheating on her. She never believed it because she loved him to much. "I just wish he loved me like i love him". Days passed and he still hasnt called or texted. Melissa called him out of desperation."Ring,Ring,Ring", then finally he answers so she thought. "Hello" it was a unfamiliar voice until she realized it was his ex's voice. She hung up not wanting to believe he was cheating on her. She felt like as if someone stabbed her in the heart. She fell to the floor sobbing in tears. "WHY ME" she yelled. "why cant he love me". She rushes to her phone and goes to his ex's page. What she found shook her. She found pictures of her boyfriend and his ex kissing and throwing up gang signs. Her heart ached of the pain. The next day came and he comes over. She was over joyed to see him but he wasnt. "We need to talk" said angel. "Whats wrong babe" exclaimed melissa. "Dont call me that" snapped angel. "Whats  wrong with you?" said melissa. " I DONT LOVE YOU ANYMORE AND I NEVER HAVE" yelled angel. As her heart was ripped from her chest she started crying as she tried to put words together. "But i love you" said melissa sobbing. He walked out without acknowledging her. " I love you please dont leave" she mumbled crying. She cryed for nights wondering why she wasnt good enough. 3 months passed and she was doing fine, but the thought of her not being good enough stood in the back of her head. As weeks passed she meet a boy. She didnt really care for him. She still loved angel. His name is richard. They talked everyday and laughed on the phone together. She started opening up , but she watched what she said because she didnt want to get hurt again. Richard always told melissa he wasnt like the rest. She didnt believe him though. As weeks passed she finally let richard love her. She was finally happy. He taught her to love herself and everything would be fine. She finally understood why she was unhappy for so long. Days passed and melissa kept getting messages from angel. "I love you, i need you, i wont live without you" he wrote. Melissa still loved him but knew he didnt mean what he said. Later that day angel called. She hesitated but answered. "Hello" she said in a calm voice.  "Come outside we need to talk", said angel. She walked outside thinking everything was fine but litte did she know. "POW,POW,POW"! As a red suv drove off. Melissa was shot. She dropped to the floor. "All i ever wanted was for you to love me" as she took her last breath.

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Daddy said...
on Feb. 4 2017 at 1:16 pm
Wow!!! This is amazing. It is wrote really well and A story that will keep you reading. You can write books or even screen plays for movies. You have many beautiful talents, the sky is the limit sore like a beautiful dove and pursue your dreams. Love your DADDY, MR MILO...