The one | Teen Ink

The one

December 13, 2016
By Babygirldivine BRONZE, Sunland, California
Babygirldivine BRONZE, Sunland, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Out in the middle of nowhere in a wonderful ranch, me and my family lived. It was so beautiful. We have horses that fly, goats that talk, and chickens that lay golden eggs. It is the best ranch ever.I feel so happy in this ranch because I am surrounded of love and all these amazing animals. Now, today what I did was i went on a ride on Julia she is my horse. She has so much unique qualities. Some of them would be is that she is the only girl horse to have dark skin with light hair, and unlike the other horse she can talk. So, she is double the fun she can fly and talk. Like to me that is hitting the jackpot. Some of my friends say that I’m lying but when i showed them proof they couldn't believe it. People normally don't believe because, when I tell them they tell me to show them proof so I take them to Julia but, sometimes Julia can get really shy and won't talk because she will feel pressured. So they call me a liar. I know you guys are probably wondering why i am telling you guys this. Well, the reason is that i just want you guys to know that I don't have many friends because a lot of people don't like me but i can't do nothing about. But, I don't need friends I got my animals which is all i need to be happy. Well, I need my family as well to. Sometimes when i feel really lonely i just go fro a ride by myself and i forget about everything. I am very independent so i like fixing and doing stuff all by myself. The reason to that is because I’m scared to get hurt or let my feelings out to someone and then they judge me so i’m just very independent. That is  also why I  don't have a boyfriend. Guys have asked me out before but I have said no to all of them because I don't want to get hurt or get judged. But, I am not going to lie when I see couples of my age around me I get sad and I wish I had that with someone. I know you guys are probably wondering how old I am. Well I am, fifteen years old. I have not been to school. Like public schools because I am home schooled. But, for my sophomore year I am going to go to a public high school. Which i am excited but at the same time not because, I am going to see all my old friends and I don't want them to be giving me hate. Well, I am not going to worry about that school starts next week so I got two more days till Monday. Well, today is Monday my first day of school. I am very nervous today. First thing i did was my personal stuff after that I went to put the english saddle on Julia she was going to be my ride which I am so happy of. So, I got to school. Everything was going great. And, I was walking to first period and I bumped into a girl. She was 5’4, light brown haired, hazel eyes, amazing sense of style. So, i was like “I am very sorry I didn’t see you there”. She responded “It’s ok don't worry and your very pretty by the way”. So, I said “thanks you're very pretty to and I’m Karen. What’s your name?”. She said in a polite voice “Hi Karen my name is Alexa”. I responded “Wow, you have a beautiful name”. She laughed and said “Thanks so do you. Anyways what class you have?”. I said “Bio room. 549”. Alexa said “Well, I have chemistry room 550. We should meet up for lunch see you after class b the lockers in front of our classes?”. I said very happy “Sounds like a plan, and it was very nice to meet you”. Alexa responded “same”. So I was walking to my first period when I bumped into this really cute guy. He was like so dreamy. So he said “HEy, my bad i didn’t mean to bump into you’. I said all smiling “Oh, don’t worry about it”. He said “Anyways what’s your name?”. I said all shy “My name is Karen, What is yours?”. He said my name is “Alexis and by the way you are really cute’. I said all happy “Thanks so are you”. He said “We should hangout at lunch”. I said “Yeah, i’ll meet you by the lockers out of room 549”. Alexis responded “Yeah, that sounds like a plan alright then i guess see ya lates”. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. I said “Ok, bye”. So it was lunch I told Alexa about Alexis and she said “good luck gorgeous hope all good happens with him”.I said “Thanks, see you later”. When i was walking to the lockers Alexis was there with purple starbucks. I was like “Hey, and thanks for the starbucks”. He said “No, problem”. We hit it off all the day. So, the next day of school he was in the front with his friends and a huge poster that said “Would you do me the honor and be my one and only”. And he was coming  towards me with beautiful rainbow colored roses. And a big bear. And he asked me would you Karen Hernandez be mine. I said with tears of joy coming out “Yes, i would be happy to be yours”. After, that my life was so amazing like my heart was complete. We would ride our horses together we would fly to all around the world it was the best thing to happen to me.  

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