Flash Fiction | Teen Ink

Flash Fiction

June 1, 2016
By sabrinamiller BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
sabrinamiller BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She was just sitting down to a cup of tea and a book out on her patio to enjoy the brisk autumn morning, when she felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. As she as she stood up, there he was, the man who broke her heart, her best friend.


“What are you doing here?” Emily said taking a deep breath trying to contain her anger.


“It’s good to see you again Emily” He said smiling.


“Can we talk?” River said seriously.


“I have absolutely have nothing to say to, and you know exactly the reason why” she said walking away into her house.


“I know that, but you don’t know the reason why I left, I had too” River said following her into her house.


“Excuse me, what do you think you’re doing?” she said.


“Trying to talk to you” he said.


“You can’t just barge into my house, let alone come back after two years and expect everything to go back to the way it was before.” Emily said.


“Em, I know that, but you have two listen to me, let me explain” river said pleadingly.


“You have five minutes” Emily said unsure of her decision, but decided to listen anyways.


“Two years ago my mother was diagnosed with cancer. At first she was doing great with her treatments and was fighting hard, for a long time. Everything was going great. But one day I got a phone call from my dad. He said it wasn’t looking to good, that she would need surgery. They thought the cancer was gone, until they found out that it spread further throughout her body. That day of the phone call, I booked a flight, and flew back to Indiana. I spent that night in the hospital, worrying about my mom. The next morning she went in to that surgery room, and after hours of waiting, a doctor came out with surgical cap in his hand, walking toward my dad, sister, and I. He kept apologizing, saying they did everything that they could.



River finished the story, which was more than five minutes, but I didn’t care, he was still hurting and I could see that. I felt like the biggest jerk on the face of the planet.


“After that I didn’t know what think or feel. I couldn’t come back, I wanted to Em, I really did. But I couldn’t, because if I did, it would feel like I’m letting go. I wasn’t ready to. So I stayed.” River said.

“River I’m so sorry I didn’t know, I feel like jerk. I said.


“It’s okay Em, really it is, you didn’t know for two years. I never called or texted, I should have. At that time I needed you Emily, I missed you and wanted to come back, but I just wasn’t ready to.” River said.


“But I’m back now, here in Massachusetts, and I missed you.” River said to me.


“I missed you to, a lot” Emily said smiling.

“I want to make up for the time we’ve been apart, I want to take you on a date” River said.

Emily was so happy that she couldn’t stop smiling.

“Then yes, I would love to” she said.
Ever since then River and Emily budded a relationship, and fell in love with each other.

Eight months later

“Hey River, I’m home” Emily said walking into her and river’s apartment.
As she put her stuff down, she noticed River sitting on the couch, looking worried.

“Hey, what’s wrong?” she said.

“We need to talk” River said. She knew that look and it wasn’t a good one.
One hour later

“What do you mean you’re leaving, again?” Emily said, her heart feeling heavy.


“I got this job promotion in England, and they chose me to go work out there” he said.


“What - but, did you say yes?” Emily said as she started to cry, as River looked down, feeling guilty, but he needed this promotion.


“Yes I did. Hey, hey, don’t cry, look at me” River said sincerely.


“How can you possibly leave again, we just got each other back? Don’t you want this? Us?” Emily asked River.


“Em, of course I do, I love you, but this is major, you know that.” River said.


“Right, how can I possibly think we would work out?” Emily said scoffing.


“Emily, don’t do this, not now, you know we can make this work” River said, getting slightly angry.


“Are you kidding me, you are going to be three thousand miles away, how can we possibly work this out.” Emily said frustrated.


“We can, we will, I know it.” River said reassuringly.

“How do you know that, you left for two years, without a word? "How do I know you won’t do it again?” her voice cracking.


“Emily…” River started.

“No, I can’t do this, please leave.” Emily said crying.


“Emily, please” River asked pleadingly.


“I said leave” shouted Emily.

“Fine, if that’s what you want.” River shouted back, slamming the front door.
It was almost a half hour since he left. What was she thinking, how can she not fight for him? She need to support him no matter what. She needed to get him back. She ran fast to get outside to hail a taxi.

“Where to miss?” the taxi driver said.

“The airport, fast” she said.
She got there within 10 minutes, but she was too late. The terminal he was supposed to be at was now closed, the plane already took off.

“No, no. I lost him again, for good” she said sliding down the wall, crying.
She took a taxi and made her way home, regretting telling River to leave. As she got home, she noticed someone sitting on the apartment building steps.

“I couldn’t do it, I couldn’t leave you. Not again.” River said smiling.

“River!!” Emily said running up to him, jumping in his arms and kissing him.




The author's comments:

I love writing fiction because fictions has no limits. With writing fiction you can literally write about anything because you are using imagination to write about things that arent real

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