Sinful Thoughts | Teen Ink

Sinful Thoughts

May 25, 2016
By btcampbell1 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
btcampbell1 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For most kids it is very intimidating to move to a new school. With all the new people it can be very scary for a very skinny freshman boy like me. But just to make it even worse and scarier, I’m gay. At my last high school when people found out I started getting tormented. Thankfully my parents didn’t find out, otherwise they both would’ve had a heart attack and disowned me right there. My parents are extremely catholic and follow the bible almost down to the last word. My older brother and sister have had their suspicions, but I can’t trust them, because I know if they found out they’d tell our parents. But after school year of compete utter and torment, my parents told us we were moving over the summer, and now at the start of this school year I get a fresh start for sophomore year. All the people here seem to be nicer. There’s also this one guy in my study hall whose friends with the girl I always sit with, but he never sits with us. To be honest by the way the people he sit with laugh at almost everything he says, which is very little cause he barely talks, but also how handsome he is, I’d like to get to know him. So one day I tell my friend, Angel, that she should ask him to sit with us one day. And sure enough the next day he did sit with us, needless to say I didn’t get much work done that day. The 3 of us just ended up talking the whole time. Angel and I always walk home together, but today Caden waked with us. Angel’s house came up first so she leaves us, now it’s just Caden and I walking. Then we get to my house and I say bye to him. Over the next month we keep talking in study hall and we start to get close. Then one day when we were walking home when we were almost to my house he turns to me and says,
“Hey do you want to come over?”
So of course I say, “Yes.”
I never really hung out with guys before so I was going into this having no idea what we were going to do. Once we get to his house we go up to his room, and his room isn’t like all the other normal teenage boys. I walked in and immediately noticed a huge speaker with a record payer on top and a guitar sitting next to it, then a chest next to it also which he said he keeps records in it. The rest of his room was pretty normal with a bed and stuff and a huge TV with an Xbox. And by his bed there was a huge window, but this window was amazing. It would change colors and make the whole room change colors also.
“You have a pretty unique room here,” I say to him.
He sits on his bed and says, “So what do you want to do?”
“We could play Xbox?” I say.
He nods his head and goes to set it up. That’s one thing that has always stood out to me; he was shy at first and just kind of kept to himself and his music, especially when he sat with those other people when he wasn’t talking to them, but its fine with me because I’m like that too. We played Xbox for a few hours and then we ate dinner with his parents. And just from that short dinner I could tell they were just like my parents.
After dinner we went back up and kept paying Xbox. Then what started it all, he turned to me and kissed me. I didn’t know what to do so I just acted like it didn’t happen, but so did he. The rest of the night wasn’t awkward or anything so I just went on a normal. But in reality when I left his house to walk home I freaked out and called Angel told her what happened, and honestly I could tell she was speechless like me too. The next day in class wasn’t awkward, actually everything just felt more natural and right then it had been before. Over the next few months things kept progressing with I guess you could call our relationship. We never showed that kind of affection at school and were cautious about it at his house too because of our parents. Then one day when we were at his house hanging out we had a long talk about our relationship with one of his records playing in the background. Which I’m happy we did because we never really talked about it before. And also during this talk her casually asked me out, which was a first for me so I nervously said yes very fast and kept talking. Everything went amazing, actually perfect for the next few months, Angel, Caden, and I go very close, the three of us would also hang out a lot and Angel thought we were just the cutest thing ever. Until one day it all came crashing down on Caden and I. We let our guard down with his parents and I was sitting in his lap on his bed playing Xbox. Then his mom opened the door to tell us something and you could see the utter disappointment on her face. Then she called Cadens dad in there, and they both started yelling at us, mainly his dad. Caden put me behind him on the bed and started arguing back, everything seemed to be going in slow motion. Then his dad took me by the arm and threw me out the front door. By the time I got home I could tell my parents knew too, during the time I was being yelled at I figured out Cadens parents had called mine once I left his house. I had never gone to sleep so depressed in my life. The next day I went to school and saw Caden in class and he had a black eye, I had told Angel earlier everything that had happened. During that hour we just tried to be happy again, yet it didn’t really work. Over the next week Caden and I only got to see each other in study hall. Then at the end of the week we both got our phones back, from the time we both got home Friday and got our phones back to 1 A.M  we texted talking about a lot. The next day, Saturday, we met at the park and talked even more. Saturday is the day we decided what to do. We told Angel at little later when she came to meet us at the park a little later Saturday. There was this pill Caden knew about, it was a pill that distorted time. Meaning we were going to hide somewhere in the forest and when we woke up it would be 3 years later, but it would only seem like 3 minutes for us. After Angel went home we went to go get two of these pills. They were each $200, I looked them up and it said they were highly illegal because they took control of your body to where you were almost dead for these 3 years. But very surprisingly I found no reports on them killing anybody. This brings us to the present, which is Sunday, the day we planned on taking these. So Caden and I met at the park again but this time in a very secluded area in a cave like thing. We both laid down inside the cave next to each other, and then we took the pill. Caden wrapped his arms around me and told me he loved me and I told him I loved him too, and then we slowly started to doze off. Then everything went black. Everything stayed black there was no color, and absolutely no thought ran through my mind besides the word Caden. Then suddenly Caden and I woke up and we both turned on our sides and threw up a little. Then I turn back and look at Caden and we stare at each other for a few minutes. Then he tells me he loves me which I haven’t heard in what felt like 2 minutes but was actually 2 years, and I tell him I love him too. We eventually both stand up and I get a good look at him, he just looks like the old him but 2 years older, and he says the same about me. But then something weird happen, at the same time mine and Cadens eyes see to unfog and I can tell we are both standing in a dark hospital room between the two beds we were laying on. There’s a note on the table that’s also between the two beds. It’s signed by both of our parents and it read,
“We know what you two took and what it does, thankfully when you wake up you two won’t be charged for taking these illegal drugs. Caden and Asher, we would like to deeply apologize for putting you through what we did. After a week of you two being missing your friend Angel finally told us and the police where your bodies were and we got you to the hospital. These next 2 years we will get to realize what happened and how we were for how we reacted that led you to do this. We love you dearly and have learned to just accept you two which is what we will do. You will also have the chance to finish all the schooling you need and live a life where we support you. The hospital didn’t know an exact date when you would wake up; so when you do, push the button on the table and the hospital and us will we notified.
Your parents”
Once I’m finished reading the note out loud to Caden he pushed the button. Then we just sit on the bed and talk about our new life to come and wait for our parents.

The author's comments:

Two boys inlove, a short story.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 9 2016 at 4:39 pm
Alexsis22 BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
This is such a beautiful story. PLEASE keep writing because you are really good at it. I cant wait to see more of your work.