Story of My Life | Teen Ink

Story of My Life

April 15, 2016
By Anonymous

Hello, my name is Mia Sullivan. This story is about my life. I have a sister named Chloe, Chloe Sullivan. She is 2 years older than me. She is busy with her studies now and she is coming home rarely. I'm the youngest in my family. My dad is a successful businessman and he will going to outstation every week and my mom is a specialist surgeon. She is always busy with her patient and always sleeps in her apartment near the hospital because our home is far from it.


  One day, Mia was alone doing nothing wearing her tanktop and laying infront of the television. Her dad was at San Francisco to discuss with his colleague about their business. Her mom, as always she was at the hospital. And Chloe, she was at the university studiying for her Midyear Exams. Mia still laying infront of the television lazily and watch a movie. It was a love movie. She wish her life is the same as the movie but, she dont have anyone special in her life. Even her parents are so busy with their works.

  Ding! Dong! Ding! Dong! Mia ran to the door hurriedly. She so excited and happy because she thought that was her parents or maybe Chloe. But, her hopes crushed because there was an unfamiliar guy standing infront of the door. "Hello, sorry if I disturb you but, do you have my key?" "What key?" "Key for my house," the guy point to a house infront of Mia's house. 'You're the new neighbour that mom told me before,' "Oh! Yeah! Wait a minutes," Mia closed the door and ran to her mother's bedroom. She saw the key on the night table and grabbed it as fast as lightning.

  She ran to the door. Mia open the door and gave the key to the guy. "Here... your.. key," Mia said to the guy while taking her breath because she too tired. "Wait wait... Slowly. Breath in. Breath out. In. Out. By the way, thank you for the key," the guy smile at Mia. "Welcome," Mia smile backed to the guy. Then, she closed the door and continue laying infront of the television.

  That night, her mom and her sister, Chloe came home. "Mom, there was a guy came and ask for the key for his house," Mia said to her mom. "Oh, finally they're arrived here. I have been wait for them so long," "You know them?" Chloe said. "No, but they once call me to keep the key," "Oh" Mia and Chloe said at the same time.

  At school, Mia's class is so noisy. "Mia! Do you know about the new boy?" asked Elle, Mia's bestfriend. "What? New boy? No, why?" "You dont know about the new boy? One whole school know about the new boy," " What so special about that boy?" "I dont know but, they keep saying that the boy is so cute and attractive," "Oh okay," Elle knew that Mia is not interested in boys.

  Suddenly, Mrs Green came into the class. "Okay everyone, today you'll get a new classmates. Come in," When the new boy came into the class Mia was shock because the new boy is her new neighbour. "Hello, my name is Evan, Evan Robinson. Hope all of you can give cooperation to me," " Okay, now you can sit over there, next to Ben." After class, Mia and Elle went to the cantin to meet their friends. "Elle! Mia! Over here!" shouted Emily. "Hello guys!" they sit with the others. "So I heard that you got a new classmates," Sasha said. "Yeah" Mia answered.

  While they were chatting suddenly Mia's phone ringing. "Hello Mia," "Hello mom,why?" "Can you backed home now? Because I think I forgot to switch off the iron," "Oh, okay mom. I will," "Thank you,bye." "Guys I'm so sorry but I have to back home now," "Why?" "My mom want me to do something. Sorry guys," "Its okay you can go home now," Tiana said. "Thanks guys. Bye. Love you guys," "Bye!"

  On the way she want to go home, suddenly. "Excuse me, are you Mia?" "Yeah, oh Evan how do you know my name?" "Oh, I saw the record book on the teacher table before I left the class," Mia just nodded. "Is there something that you want to ask me, Evan?" " Yeah, can I follow you back? I forgot way to go home. Can I?" "Of course you can, you're my neighbour. Lets go,"

  On the way home. "Ermmm, can I ask you something?" Evan asked. "Yes, you can," "Do you likes to go the fair?" "Yeah, I love going to fair," "Do you want to go to the fair with me tonight? Because I dont have friends to go to the fair?" " I think I can. But, I have to ask my mom's permission first," "Okay. Thanks Mia," " Oh, we're already arrive," "Oh okay, see you tonight,"

That night they went to the fair together. They looked so happy together. They became close and more close. They keep going to the fair every weekend. After a few months they fall in love. But, one day, Mia have to move to the San Francisco because of her father got a new job there. So, they have to live apart. But, Mia promise that she will return.

                                                                    The End

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 19 2016 at 11:12 am
peytongilinsky BRONZE, Lexington, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 2 comments
hands down THE worst article i've read on here. Does not make any sense.