Night before the Wedding | Teen Ink

Night before the Wedding

March 23, 2016
By JoahGreen BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
JoahGreen BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was a clear starry night. The gentle breeze was like a soft kiss on the skin. The whole village was enjoying itself. People were dancing around the fire. The music roared like thunder in the night. But none of that mattered now. What mattered was the girl sitting alone near the end of the camp. Thando made his move. He made his way to her.
“ Hello there.” Thando said with a grin.
“ Hi?” She replied shyly.
“ You know when I was born I had the choice to have a great memory or charm any girl. Sadly I can’t remember which one I chose.” Thando continued. She giggled at the line
  “ You know it’d be a lot easier to sweep you off your feet if you stood up.” She stood up.
“ Your name doesn’t happen to be chance is it?” Thando asked.
“ No.” She answered.
“ Darn it. Thought I finally found a chance.” Thando flirted.
“ Oh I remember that one.” Said an unfriendly voice from behind.
Thando turned around to see one of his many romances. One the few who liked his advances… initially.
“Funani, it great to see you beautiful~” Thando said before she slapped him. She wasn’t very fond of him now.
“ It’s Thula.” She replied.
“ I knew there was an u in their somewhere.” Thando retorted. “ but it I think it need an I.”
“ Ugh..” She grunted as she turned and left.
“ Later.” Thando called as he turned back to the other girl. “ Now where were…” She had left. “ Well that’s a damp way to end things.”
A hand grabbed Thando’s shoulder and turned him around. He stood facing a handsome stern man with a chiseled face. He was well built, had a commanding gaze, and was only person Thando take an arrow for.
“ Amahle! Good to see you.” Thando beamed.
“ Thando.” Amahle said as they hugged. “ Explain to me two things.” He tightened his hug. “One, Why you’re bothering the wedding guests?”
“ That is very self explanatory~” Thando squeezed out before Amahle hugged tighter.
“ And two, why during my wedding this is the first time I’ve seen my best friend.”
“ First question answers the second.”
“ Ha.” Amahle laughed. “ You’ll never change.” He let him go.
“ Huuh. Air is a beautiful mistress.” Thando said taking in air.
“ Mhh. But seriously lay low tonight. Last thing we need is a mob after you.”
“ That rarely happens.”
“ Anyway don’t get too drunk. The ceremony is at noon tomorrow.”
“ Come on. My two best friends getting married, wouldn’t miss it for the world… and Nandi would kill me.” Thando, Amahle, and Nandi had grown up as childhood friends from a young age. The three of them were inseparable. Thando Remember the time a Hyena made it way into camp. The three of them were playing. Nandi shrieked at the sight of the beast. Thando stood in front of her and the Hyena. Then Amahle Charged at the beast they wrestled on the ground he was bit on the shoulder and the hyena was punched fiercely. The hyena ran off limping and Amahle was only left with a scar on his shoulder and became the pride of the village. It was only natural that Nandi would choose one of them.
“ That she would.” Amahle agreed
“ Amahle! We need more drinks over here.” A villager called.
“ Be right there.” Amahle called back.
“ Working on your wedding. You need the beer more than them.” Thando criticised.
“ Ha. If I don’t see you Tonight. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Amhale said.
“ Definitely tomorrow.” Thando called. When Amahle was gone Thando let his smile drop. “I got to be there tomorrow.” He thought to himself. “ No matter how much it hurts.”
“ You always were an idiot.” Said a causal voice.
Nandi in her beautiful bead wedding dress said to Thando.
“ I haven’t missed the wedding and already you attack me.” Thando complained.
“ You're never honest with yourself.” She said as she slowly approached her.
“ I mean every compliment I give.” Thando said defending himself.
“ I said yourself.” She continued. “ Even when we were kids, you flirted with every girl you could.”
“ There’s a lot a beauty in this world.”
“ But never once with me.” She went on.
“ Well~” Thando stuttered.
“ I always wondered why.” She continued.
“ Amahle’s loved you from the beginning so the thought never occurred~” Thando blabbered until Nandi face came close to his.
“ Now I think I know. The girls are a distraction. You~” Thando put his hand in front of her mouth.
“ Not another word. I’ll never get in between you two.” Thando assured.
Nandi backed way. “ You’re the only one getting hurt you know.” Nandi said before she left.
“ And I’ll keep it that way.” Thando said to himself after she left

The author's comments:

Takes place in a in tribal village.

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