The Crazy Night | Teen Ink

The Crazy Night

May 29, 2015
By Kimmy-cub16 BRONZE, Howell, Michigan
Kimmy-cub16 BRONZE, Howell, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Do or do not there is no try"~Yoda~

It was the night of the school dance. Jessica was all dressed up; so pretty in her lovely shiny dress. She sparkled oh so nicely in the light. Jessica thought their would have been more friends of hers at the dance. It turned out that there was only three of them. Jessica really didn’t care; she danced most of all the night anyways. For the most part everything worked out perfectly fine. Just because not all of her friends came; didn’t stop her from having the time of her life.

The only thing that didn’t work out to her favor was when slow songs came on. She tried to dance with her self but that looked kinda odd. Than the unexpected happened she was asked by her friend Brendan to dance.

Their friend Mir looked over at them wail they were dancing and just said “wow” in the funniest way possible. It didn’t seem to bother them; they just kept on laughing and having fun. Jessica was singing to the song in her kinda not so good singing voice, and Brendan was singing too surprisingly.  At least his voice was a lot better than hers.

To this day Jessica can’t forget that night. Yes it was a somewhat crazy night with all the unexpected that happened, but it was the the best night of her life. She couldn’t ask for a better night. A secret to be known she loved that night because she experienced true feelings for someone that she didn’t think would ever happen. To this day forward that crazy night shall make her smile for now and forever.

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece based on an event that had happened to me.

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