Valentine's Day Confusion | Teen Ink

Valentine's Day Confusion

March 13, 2015
By mergm13 BRONZE, Patterson, California
mergm13 BRONZE, Patterson, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Diary,
"Order now and receive ten dollars off of an order when you order a dozen or more roses" said the stupid tv. Typical-week-before-valentines day commercials. The worst holiday known to man kind. I haven't quite figured out exactly why I hate valentine’s day, but I do, and there will be no mind changing there. It just pisses me off.
It was my usual Tuesday morning; Pilates at 9:30, meeting with Jan to go over my week, then brunch with my parents, and the rest of the day was at the office. I didn't mind working, but being in charge of yourself doesn't mean you need to be in every single day. Sorry employees!
Living in New York, under 30, owning your own company, in the fashion world, was un heard of. But, I, Blake Remington, am proud of all four of those things. I have been thinking my entire life that I knew exactly what I wanted to do. My intentions my entire life was to attend MIT to be a chemical engineer until I was a junior in high school and my friends moms would call me to go shopping for them or to plan outfits or people would notice I would start trends. I paid no attention to it, just thought I was being nice. I'm the cliche 27 year old girl, lives in an apartment, loves the holiday, my family, the bachelor, and my dog. I'm surprised I like the bachelor, honestly.
Love is something I've never had an interest in. Of course I think males are attractive. Who doesn't? Well no, actually, nevermind. I'd had always had crushes on people but I don't have time for men. I make to much money and don't have enough time to start lolligagging when I am in prime time for business. That's why I needed to meet with Jan this morning because I'm planning my 4th annual Valentines Day Party. There is one rule: no couples or people in relationships invited. Sorry!
I think that if you love someone, you should show appreciation and give a little every once and a while. I think men should always give girls flowers once and a while or write a sweet note for them. Same with girls, minus the flowers, maybe. Valentines day should just be the same as every other day in a relationship. You should always show what you show to your significant other on valentines day everyday.

The party is being held at my favorite Armenian restaurant. It's kind of a whole in the wall but totally to die for. I had made reservations, went to pick up invitations, picked out most of the decorations. All I needed was to go pick out some center pieces.
I knew I wanted to get married but didn't know when. I have just been so busy with work, I haven't had any other time to focus on anything. I feel that establishing myself and finding out who I am needs to happen before I get anyone else involved with my hectic life.  Shoot, fashion week was in 4 months!!!! Anyways, I went into the florist a few days later, and called in my order and just needed to pay for it. I walked in at my lunch break and waited 10 minutes in line. Finally, my turn. I dumped a bunch of junk out onto the counter looking for my Visa card, and after searching for what seemed like ten minutes, I found it. I didn't notice the man behind the counter staring at me. Man, he was smokin. Dark brown eyes, piercing green eyes. I had never seen anything like it. Woah. I was star strucked. And let's be honest, I like guys but don't ever notice them. On my receipt he wrote that he would be calling me soon.  I thought it was strange but I was fine with it. I only thought it was strange because he only said six words to me and none of them were about calling me.
Less than 24 hours of being at the florist I got a call, from Chris. I was excited about a boy, for once.  He asked if I wanted to go to coffee so I said sure why not. I didn’t have much to lose other than time so it wasn’t a big deal.  He was already at the Coffee Bean before I got there with a hazelnut latte waiting for me. (my favorite) I instantly had a good feeling about this guy. We sat there and chit chatted for two and a half hours. I couldn’t believe it!  I needed to get to the office and he understood. We got up and hugged and he quickly went in for a kiss. It was MAGICAL!! His lips were so soft and the kiss felt so real. I couldn’t wait to talk to him again. Maybe I’ll be reconsidering my Valentine’s Day party… or just remaking the idea of the party and not have a total negative look on Valentine’s Day. I know for a fact that I want to go on another date with Chris. Our kiss was so sudden and quick but for once I felt happy and it was only ten seconds! I texted him a few hours later thanking him for such a fun few hours and calling me. I was glad he called for sure and can not wait to see what the future holds for this new friendship or maybe even a serious relationship.
I showed up to the office the next morning contemplating canceling the party. By lunch, I had made the executive decision to not cancel the party but to change the idea and mood of the party. It was no longer a total ‘I hate Valentine’s Day’ party anymore. It was a party celebrating all types of relationships, single and non-single people were invited and only positivity was allowed. I definitely was going to invite Chris. There was no doubt about that! I am thankful to have ran into him, he completely changed my perception of the entire day and was looking forward to seeing him at the party.
Bye Diary, talk to you soon!

The author's comments:

this is an diary writing by a young woman who does not enjoy Valentine's Day. She was setting up for her anti Valentine's Day party and ran into a sweet boy named Chris working there. He has called her for a coffee date and later on he had unknowingly changed her idea of the whole day. 

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