The tragedy of a young man's heart | Teen Ink

The tragedy of a young man's heart

November 26, 2014
By Cheerleader38 BRONZE, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
Cheerleader38 BRONZE, Bushkill, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Her pale skin, soft to the touch, soothed me as the moon climbed into the sky. Her bare body lay still beside my own, our hands touching under the stone cold sheets intertwined with one another. The moments before were beautiful and glorious. I felt no regret in my heart for in that moment we were connected in a way no other man will ever feel with her, and it was worth every second I had suffered waiting for her. she gave me her heart and I gave her mine. This was true love. Every time our eyes met I felt a wanting in my bones, a wanting to kiss her pink lips and taste her sweet soul. I wanted to hold her body as tight as I could to mine, so that not even an atom could rest between us. Every inch of space between her and I was a mile in my mind. I need her to be as close to me as possible. Being a teenager was such a dangerous place. We all do reckless things, but when you play with your heart you almost always risk getting hurt. If you want to give someone your all, be ready. Because I wasn’t ready and now I gave my all to a girl, who was giving her all to someone else. I thought I was the only one to be so close to such a beautiful girl, but she was the devil in disguise behind those beautiful dimples that made me shiver. Her perfection was nothing compared to the pain when I found out. If you want to give someone everything, be ready to pay the price.

The author's comments:

This is the story of a boy who reslly thought he was in love. and maybe he was. But she wasn't. And that can happen to anyone. 

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