The Starbucks Romance | Teen Ink

The Starbucks Romance

October 23, 2014
By BrianW. BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
BrianW. BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If you can't do it right, Fix it so you can make it better.

“ I want a tall mocha caramel iced coffee please.” Cody said with a gay tone of voice. As Tanner stands in the background not ready to order. Even though Cody is Tanner’s best friend, they get under each other’s skin sometimes. Cody really wanted to go to starbucks after the movie they just saw. Tanner just wanted to go home. He just wanted to be a good friend and go with Cody to starbucks because he didn’t want to ditch his best friend.

“What would you like hun” the barista asked Tanner. As she gets Cody’s coffee ready to be made.

“I would like a grande vanilla bean frappuccino with an extra shot of espresso” Tanner explained to the barista hesitating his way through the order as he wasn’t truly ready to order.

“What’s your names?” The barista asked both of them

“My name is Tanner and his name is Cody.” He replied stuttering with love in his voice realizing she was cute. Cody and Tanner move to the side and await for their coffee to be ready. As the smell of coffee infused the air like an air freshener. The sound of blenders and steam erupted the silence like a volcano.

The noise calms down and all you hear is “ Cody and Tanner your coffee is ready for pickup.” coming from the baristas voice.

“Thanks” they both replied calmly. Tanner and Cody go sit down in the comfy chairs inside the starbucks lounge, as they talk about the movie they just saw at the people plaza movie theater. Tanner just looks at the barista here and there with the look of love in his eye’s.

“What is it dude, you ok?” Asked Cody with a worried tone of voice trying to figure out what’s wrong with his best friend.

“Yeah, I’m fine but the barista is really cute.” he replied. While drinking his coffee slowly trying not to get a brain freeze because of how cold his frappuccino was.

“I guess so, she is kinda cute?” Cody said questionably. “Go ask for her name if you think she is cute.”
Tanner walks over to the counter shaking of nervousness. Standing there waiting for the barista to come over to help him. As he waits he looks at Cody with a nervous look on his face.

“May I help you Tanner?” The barista asked.
“Ummmm….. What is your name because I think you're cute.” Tanner said timidly.

“My name? You think I am cute?” Said the barista flipping her golden hair looking Cody in the eyes with her bright blue eyes.
“Yeah.” Tanner murmured nervously.
“My name is Heather.” She replied not really trying to think anything of it.
“May I get your number” Tanner flirtatiously asked.

“Yeah here it is.” Heather replied not really thinking about it. As Heather writes down her number which was 867-5309 on a napkin with a blue pen. Tanner just stands there awkwardly waiting to get Heathers number.
After Tanner got Heathers number; Tanner and Cody finish their coffee and walk to Codys car, a sky blue 2009 nissan versa that Cody’s parents got him for his 17 birthday. As Cody drives both of them home he asks Tanner if he will ever text Heather. Tanner replied with a proud tone of voice “Yeah I am going to text her when we get home.” When they get home they both go up to Cody’s room to hang out for a little bit.

“So when are you going to text this girl?” Cody teased, trying to get on Tanner’s nerves.
“ I am going to text her now” Tanner said while pulling his Iphone out of his front pocket and looking up her name in his phone.

“So what are you going to say first to her” Cody said while walking around his room trying to find something for them to do while Tanner is still there.

“I might say ‘Hey this is Tanner from today at your work I thought you were cute.’” Tanner responded with a confused look trying to not sound desperate.
“Yeah say that you little b****” Cody responded without thinking twice.

As Tanner and Cody sit there waiting for the response from Heather; Cody’s mom walked in asking if they wanted cookies that she just made. They both responded without hesitation “Yes please” as they take a good whiff of the sweet chocolate smell from the cookies.

“How long are you staying here dear?” Cody’s mom asked Tanner

“I might leave soon. I have to get back home because it’s getting dark” Tanner replied as he takes a bite out of his cookie.

“Well you're always welcome to have dinner here or just spend the night dear.” Cody’s mom said politely.
“Thanks mama Bright.” Tanner said with a loving manner.

As Cody and Tanner sit there for a little while; Tanner gets a text from Heather saying “Hey I remember you. Sorry I didn’t get right back to you I was just finishing up work.”

Tanner replys “ Its ok Heather I kinda figured that you were finishing up work. So what are you up too.”
“Nothing much I am just working on homework for school” Heather messaged back to tanner.

“ Oooo thats cool….. What school do you go to? And what grade are you in?” Tanner asked Heather over text.
“Well I go to William High School and I am a 11 grader.” Heather replied.
“Oooo really? Because I go to the same school and I am a 11 grader also?” Tanner replied with a confused look on his face.
Cody asked Tanner “What's going on?” Trying to figure out why Tanner has a strange look on his face.
“She… She goes to our school.” Tanner said with a weird tone of voice. As he looks up at Cody tilting his head trying to figure out if he ever seen her at school or not.
“What! No way I never seen her at school.” Cody shouted out loud.
As Tanner and Cody try to figure out if they know anyone who would know her; Tanner messages Heather “ What College are you in and what’s your major?”
“Well I am in the Humanities College but I am majoring in education.” Heather replied.
“Well I am in the Business part of the school I am in culinary.” Codys responded to Heathers text.
“Hey Tanner your mom called and told you to get home now!” Cody’s mom called for Tanner. Tanner got all of his stuff together like his phone, charger, keys, and his bookbag. As Tanner walked home he kept talking to Heather.
“Hey Heather would you like to meet for lunch on monday?” Asked Tanner.
“Yeah I would love too meet you for lunch on monday.” she responded right after he messaged her.
“What lunch do you have and what cafe are you in?” Tanner replied trying to figure things out.
“Well I have B lunch In cafe 2” Heather messaged back.
“Ok its a date tomorrow in cafe 2” Tanner replied.
Tanner got home after walking back to his house from Codys house, which was right up the street. It was a late October night. You could smell all the warm air of the October sky. You can only hear the leaves hit the street and the crunch of the leaves as Tanner walks up his driveway. As tanner got home he could smell the best smell in the world warm cinnamon buns cooking in the oven.
“Hey mom I am home” Tanner announced as he entered the house from the outside.
“Hey hun how was the movie” His mom replied. She was a single mom, her husband left her when Tanner was just a young boy. He left Tanner’s mom because he found someone else. Tanner was hurt after his dad left him and his mom which causes him to be overprotective and to have trust issues.
“It was good. I met a girl at starbucks she was kinda cute.” Tanner replied trying to hide the fact he likes her.
“Oooo really? Whats her name and what school does she go to?” Tanners mom exclaimed.
“Her name is Heather she goes to my school.” Tanner answered with an excited tone of voice.
“ Oooo thats a cute name.. Heather I wish I had a girl I would name her Heather.” Tanners mom replied with a sad tone of voice.

“Well I am going to go to bed, I have school tomorrow.” Tanner told his mom.
“Ok hun have a good night sleep.” His mom replied to him as he walks up the stairs.

As the next morning arrives and the sun brightness up Tanners room. You hear the sound of chirping from his alarm clock trying to wake Tanner up out of bed. Tanner get out of his warm comfy bed to start his day. He jumps in the shower trying to clean up himself for his date today with Heather at lunch. He put cloths on that he got together last night so he wouldn't look gross or look like he just got out of bed and put his clothing together that morning.

“Hey mom I am going to leave for school now. Brian is here to pick me up.” Tanner yelled to his mom who was in the shower. Tanner lives in Bear, Delaware which is 15 min away from school. He lives in Country woods which is a deed restricted community . He drives in with a kid name Brian Wherry. Brian drives to school everyday with his car which is the same car as Cody’s car but in a lite blue color. Brian is good friends with Tanner even tho they are not best friend’s the look out for eachother.

“ Hey Tanner” Brian said as Tanner lowers himself into Brian’s car.
“Hey Brian”  Tanner replied with a sleepy tone of voice.
“How was your weekend?” Brian asked Tanner trying to make small talk.
“It was good me and Cody hung out this weekend. We went to the movies, we saw Tammy the movie, it was good. But I meet a girl named Heather.” Tanner told Brian.
“Heather who where does she go?” Brian asked Tanner with a confused tone of voice.
“She goes to our school.” Tanner calmly said.
“Heather is she in the education program? And is she tall and very cute?” Brian questioned
“YES you know her?” Tanner yelled to Brian.
“Yeah I do. She and I are best friends I love her she is the best.” Brian excitedly replied.

As Brian and Tanner travel to school they talk about thing’s that lasted them all the way to school like life and just relationships. Tanner also asked everything he wanted to know about Heather like if she is single and her personality. As they get to school they get out of Brian’s car and head in to the building.

“ I will see you later” Tanner said as Brian walks away hurrying to get to his friends. But he never replied back.
As Tanner walks into the building he finds Heather and Cody talking. He walks through the big crowed of  people in the main foryard to get to Cody. As he reaches Cody he got really nervous knowing that Heather was there and this will be the first time they actually met.

“Hey Cody, Hey Heather.” Tanner said to them as they turned around.
“Hey!” Both of them said in unison like they were twins.
“So how was your weekend guys?” Tanner asked with a polite manner.
“My weekend was great I meet this guy I liked yesterday at my work he is really cute and is a good texter.” Heather said to Tanner while flirting with him.
“Oooooo what’s his name?” Tanner asked
“His name is Tanner; you might know him” Heather replied laughing
“Oooooo thats me!” Tanner replied
“So lunch today right?” Heather asked.
“Yes lunch today!!!” Tanner stumbled to get out of his mouth.
As the bell rings Heather, Tanner, and Cody go their separate ways. Until lunch that day. They had B lunch that was the best lunch because it was the middle lunch that had the better food. As the bell for lunch rang Tanner, Heather, and Cody meet in the lunch line in cafe 2.
“Hey guys how is your school day going?” Heather asked while approaching Tanner and Cody in the lunch line.
“Its going good” Tanner replied
“Its great” Cody said right after Tanner replied first.
“Thats good to hear” Heather said to both of them.
“Do you guys know what’s for lunch?” Cody asked.
“Some crappy food like always but warmer because we got B lunch.” Heather replied as Tanner laughs at what she said.

As they get their lunch and eat it in the crowed of people in the lunch room. Heather gets to know Tanner more now they are face to face. As they talk and eat, Heather starts liking Tanner more now then ever before, even though they knew each other for a little over 24 hours. The bell rings for them to go back to class. As they go on their way back to class, they all say goodbye.

It was the end of the school day and Tanner is in his class waiting for bell ring to ring for the school day to end. He rushes to Brian’s car so they can get home. As Brian gets to the car Tanner spots that Brian is not alone. He has brought Heather with him. As They come closer Tanner gets butterflies and doesn't know what to do. As Heather and Brian reach the car the both of them said “Hello Tanner”.

Tanner replies to them stuttering in complete shock that Heather was there. “Hhh… HHeee.. Hey guys.” Brian and Heather just look at Tanner as his face gets bright red.
“You guys ready to go home?” Brian asked as they lower themselves into his car.
“Yeah lets go home.” Both Heather and Brian replied in unison.

Brian turns his car on and start to pull out of his parking spot which was in the front of the school right by the flagpole no one usually parks they so its a great spot to park. But as he pulls out of the parking lot onto Basin Road which the school was located on Heather and Tanner start to flirt back and forth. Brian looks at Tanner for a split second giving the look of ‘hey ask her out’ that guys usually give to their friends who like a girl. Tanner realizes the look and gets really nervous he starts to shake. Then all you hear is “Will you go out with me?” Come out so quite out of Tanners mouth.

“What was that?” Heather replied in shock.
“Will you go out with me?” Tanner said with a shy tone of voice.
“Yes, yes I will go out with you Tanner.” Heather said with a flirting manner.
When Brian heard that she said yes to Tanner he could not believe that it just happened . He was in shock that she said yes because they only know of each other for only 72 hours now.

“Where would you like me to drop you off my house so you guys can get to know each other more now that you guys are dating? Or your house?” Brian asked in a funny manner. As he pulls into the neighborhood in his car.
“You can drop me off at my house. I got lots of homework. We can text I have her phone number.” Tanner said mindfully.

“Ok thats fine with me” Brian said to him as he pulls up Tanners drive was.

Tanner lifts himself out of the car and says bye to Brian and Heather as he retrieves his bookbag and coat out of the back seat in which he was sitting in. As Brian and Heather pull out of Tanner’s driveway Tanner walks to his front door and opens it to find his mom was home waiting for him. He walks into his house trying not to spill the beans about him and Heather. But some how his mom know about them.

“Hey hun how was your day any new lady friends?” His mom asked
“It was good and yes Heather, She and I are dating” Tanner exclaimed to his mother.
“So will I ever meet this girl of yours?” His mom asked him in a peaceful way.
“Maybe” Tanner said.

As Tanner and his mom talk about his day and everything, Tanner texts Heather. He is just trying to be a good boyfriend and text his girlfriend. As him and his mom finish talking he goes up to his room to do homework for the next day which will take him until 9pm to do. As he does his homework He talks to Heather over the phone. They become more friendlier over the phone calling eachother baby and saying ‘I love you’ as if they’ve been dating for ever. As the time turns to 10 Tanner goes to bed and tells Heather she will see her tomorrow at school.

As the sun comes up, the birds start to chirp. As the sunlight creeps into Tanners eye he awakens from his sleep to find out it was the next morning. He gets out of his bed and does his usual morning routine like any other day. After he finishes his usual routine he see’s Brian’s car outside of his house. Tanner says goodbye to his mother as he runs out the door. As he reaches Brian’s car he opens the door and lowers himself into the car. They start to head to school as they are on their way Brian tells Tanner something he should know. “So.. Ummm.. Tanner you know how your dating my best friend?” Brian told Tanner in his car.

“Yeah” Tanner replied in a questionable tone of voice.

“Well I hate to say but your best friend Cody……Yeah he is dating her they been going out for a while now… Heather told me to not tell you this but I am just looking out for you.” Brian revealed to Tanner.
“Your wrong Brian. Cody goes out with Sydney the volleyball player in our grade.” Brian shouted.
“Oooo…Ok whatever you think Tanner” Brian replied.

As they reached the front of the school Brian pulls into the usual parking spot. As Brian and Tanner sit there for a little until 7:10 to go inside the school. As they sit there they talk about classes they both have together, they also talk about guy stuff; like girls. As the time hits 7:10 they get out of Brian’s car and head into the school. They walk passed several cars and the reach the front of the school they both look and see that Cody and Heather are making out in front of the building.
“See I told you Tanner.” Brian said to Tanner in a harsh remark.
“I don’t belive it.” Tanner screamed. “ They will pay for this”
“Don’t be dumb about it Tanner.” Brian told Tanner to calm him down.

Brian and Tanner get out of the car. Tanner runs right up to Heather and Cody as they are still making out. “How can you do this to me Cody we are suppose to be best friends… And Heather we just start dating and you cheated on me with my best friend…” Tanner screamed trying not to cry.

“Sorry dude she kissed me.” Cody said trying to hide the fact they been going out for a month now.

“Yeah sure then why did Brian tell me you two been going out for a month now?” Brian shouted trying to control himself. As people start to notice the arguing the administration comes out to take care of the fight before it gets worse. They take Brian, Heather, Cody and Tanner into the building before there is conflict. The administration splits them up into different offices to find out what's going on and to see what they can do to help the situation. As time goes by they get stories from Heather, Brian, Cody, and Tanner and they agree they just need to have a consuling session with Heather, Brian, and Tanner to fix the situation.

As the day goes by and the consuling session was finished Brian, Heather and Tanner were on speaking grounds. But Tanner was still mad. As Brian drives Tanner home he asks him if he is ok. Tanner replies with the general term “NO I AM NOT OK BRIAN.”  Brian just looks at Tanner for a quick second. After that outburst from Tanner they never talked until they got to Tanners house.

“I will see you later Tanner.” Brian told Tanner as he gets out of his car.
“See you later maybe.” Tanner responded.
As Tanner gets to his door he opens it with a smile like he came up with a evil plan. He runs up to his room forgetting to close the door. He starts to think of a way to get back at Cody and Heather. He thinks every hard for a plan.
“I got it.” Tanner he shouted out loud.
“I will hurt them like they hurt me.”  He spoke softly trying hide it.
He writes down the plan on a piece of paper. He wrote
Get a Cody’s bat from the shed at 8:30 p.m.
Walk to Heather’s house.
Get to Heather’s house at 9 p.m
Climb into her room.
Beat her with a bat until she is gone.
Leave the bat.
Run home and not get caught.
“They will never know it was me. They will think it was Cody.” He snickered.

As the time hits 8:30 p.m It was time for the plan. He grabs the bat from the shed. Walks to to Heathers house trying to not get caught. He climbs up the side of the house and gets into her room. As he pulls the bat back and starts to beat her until her couldn't hear he scream from the pain of him hitting her with all his might with the bat.

He climbs out the window and ran home to get to bed as fast as he could. Tanner gets to his house and opens his door and goes straight up to his room. He starts to talk to himself “Yes I finally got Cody back. If I can’t have Heather he can’t either.” He lays there in his bed trying to go to sleep but he can’t. Tanner thinks of what happens and starts freaking out because he thinks that he will get caught tomorrow at school because Cody will tell the cops it was Tanner. He starts to think of ways to get out of the picture. He thinks of going to mexico or some other state. Then Tanner comes up with the plan to hang himself to get away from the situation.

He walks around his room trying to find thing that could be used as a nus. Tanner finds a belt and decides that will be the best way to kill himself. He throws the belt around the closet frame and ties the belt around his neck. He lifts his feet up off the ground and right then and there he was dead.

The next morning Heathers parents find Heather dead in her bed with a pond of blood on her bed with the bat that killed her on the floor with her blood on it. They find the window open with things moved around like someone climbed in and out of the window. As the call the cops Tanner’s parents find him dead hanging in the closet. They tried to find out what happened and why he would do it. They call 911 to report it and then they find the plan he wrote about killing Heather.

As the cops get to both houses they figure out that Tanner killed Heather with the bat. As the day goes on word gets out about Tanner killing Heather. Kids at school couldn't belive that Tanner killed Heather. As Cody figures out his girlfriend was killed by his best friend he couldn’t cope with it. He dropped out of school and decided to become a inspirational talker to help people with the same situation cope with it. When Brian finds out his best friend was murdered he started a help group for people in the school that have relationship problems. He also creates a foundation for people’s family that have had their son or daughter killed by a loved one.

The End.

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This article has 2 comments.

BrianW. BRONZE said...
on Dec. 3 2014 at 9:44 am
BrianW. BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
If you can't do it right, Fix it so you can make it better.

Thanks for reading my artical. I hoped you like it.

on Oct. 30 2014 at 10:44 am
WallFlowerAlice GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 65 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Why wait when you only live once? Go out there dance, smile, and enjoy yourself! If your not having fun then darling your doing something wrong!"
- Therese

"I was laughing until I read the end you caught me off guard with the ending" said Alice.