The boy from the Cabin | Teen Ink

The boy from the Cabin

August 25, 2014
By Libby_88 SILVER, SH, Ohio
Libby_88 SILVER, SH, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

I gazed out my window to the rolling green fields that stretched out below me. Bordering the right west side was the forest that held the hushed secrets of the land. The sun was setting, its light dappled the green trees with reds and oranges. I sighed at the thought of the little green cabin that lay within those trees, and for the boy who sat alone in that cabin. My mind had wandered so far I didn’t hear the knock on my door, or the sound of Mabel walking in. Mabel was my “personal nanny” as my father called her but to me she was more like a mother. She is a short and sweet older lady but she was a stickler for the rules. I on the other hand was what she called a “free-spirit”, “Daughter of the wind and sky”. I was fortunate enough to have a father who owned such a large estate outside of London, the Queen herself enjoyed my home, but I felt truly at home beneath the stars with grass wrapping around my ankles and dirt seeping between my toes. Mabel snapped her fingers at me to bring me attention.

“Now now dear, you ‘ought to be a bit more careful! What if your dad had walked in and seen you? Staring out the window daydreaming the day away.” she had a thick olde english accent and sweet tone but I could tell she was annoyed with me.

“Oh alright.. but it was harmless! Classes are over for the day anyways” I strode over to the evening gown that had laid itself across my elaborate bedding. I sighed at the sight of the pink gown with white lace.

“Doesn’t my mum understand that I don’t fancy pink anymore?” I cried exasportley. I held the delicate dress in my hands and walked over to my mirror.

“Oh now don’t start about your mother! Oh Dove,she only wants you to be a fine young beautiful-” Mabel was cut off. A sudden howl had come from outside along with the sounds of gunfire. Terror flooded me as the sound of a boy’s voice shot through the air. I was on the lawn in seconds, my father’s special task force had a boy down on his knees with his hands behind his head. He was bleeding heavily from a gunshot wound in his arm.  I could see the pain and guilt in his eyes as he looked at me. His deep green eyes and messy brown hair. His clothes were tattered and torn, he looked as though he hadn’t seen a bathroom in all his life but I still couldn’t help but notice those deep green eyes and his toned arms. I snapped back to reality when my father spoke to me,

“Dove, dear, do you know this young lad?” My father looked at me like an owner punishing a dog, he knew the answer but was holding back his punishment.

“Yes father...I do..” I lowered my head, trying to make myself shrink from his stone cold gaze. It was no use. My mother stepped out from under her umbrella, that Mabel was holding for her, and she had the most scandalized look on her face. I knew what she must’ve been thinking, how could her pristine daughter know such a low life looking boy. I felt tears come to my eyes, I knew it. I had to tell them what I had been doing.

“Mum..Dad..I need to tell you something..” They both just stared at me, their faces unreadable. I took a deep breath and began to explain.

“You see...” And then the floodgates opened as I explained how I first noticed the small green cabin and the dirty boy that live within it. I told them how I would sneak out at night to visit him and bring him food and clothing. Everything came tumbling out. When I finished there was silence.

“Kill him.” My mothers stone cold voice sliced through the air. The guards took aim, I screamed and ran to Luke’s side. I threw my arms around him, savoring in the earthly smell of his shirt, and I waited as he held one arm around me. Slowly I looked up, tears rushing down my face.

“Please Father.. You can’t kill him.. you CAN’T!” I shouted at him. I wanted to kill my mother for giving such an order, I wanted to smack my father for not telling the guards to stand down yet. Suddenly I fell over. Luke had pushed me away from him.

“Dove, get out of here.” Luke’s voice didn’t tremble but tears swelled up in his eyes.

“Just get out of here!...I don’t want you to get hurt..or to see this.” He hung his head low and waited for the bullet. My father walked up to Luke, he placed a hand under Luke’s good arm and hoisted him up. Then he walked Luke towards me. I hadn’t noticed that the guards were walking my mother away, nor that Mabel had gone to fetch the house nurse. My father helped Luke sit on a stone bench, I sat next to him and wrapped my arm around him as Mabel went to work on his arm.

“Dove, we are having family over tonight.” I looked at my father with question, of course I already knew this. My father eyed Luke.

“Now of course since you are of age you would be expected to have someone whom to help you run my business..” His face broke into a grin. I smiled at Luke who was beaming at me.


The author's comments:

This was a school assingment that I decided to publish. 

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