The Attacks | Teen Ink

The Attacks

November 19, 2013
By Aneri Patel BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
Aneri Patel BRONZE, McDonough, Georgia
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Once upon a time there was a girl by the name of Clara. She was the queen of Scotland sense she was seven. Today on her eighteenth birthday she is going to go live in France with her fianc? of eleven years. Clara had been hidden deep within her country for refuge from the English army who wanted harassed her mother every day to find out where she was. Clara is unlike any queen that has ruled before her. She plays and frolics around without a care of how her dress looks or how of others perception of her. Clara has lived with the nuns year after year wondering when she will see her mother, friends, and lastly fianc? again.

Before her departure Clara will have a last meal with the family and friends she created in this new home of hers. As she is about to sit and eat she sees one of her best friend's, Hope, face fall. She looks as if she wants to scream in agony but cannot seem to get the shrieks out. Her face is pale as snow and there is blood slowing seeping through her clothes from her nose, ears, eyes, and mouth. The nuns rush Clara and counsel her to leave immediately because they English had found her and had poisoned one of her taste tester. Clara was finally see the extent that the English would go to for control over her country.

Off went Clara to reunite with her fianc? the future leader of her country. Francis her fianc? doesn't want to marry Clara right away in fear that a rushed marriage would show the English that they were weak and that they this alliance was only in place for the benefit of the French court. The king, Francis' father James was known as a man of the people, a people pleasure in more way than one. He has his way with the women and got away with it. He has an official mistress whose name is Cassidy. She has one son from her previous marriage his name was William and they all lived in one enormously large castle with many rooms useful when someone wanted to avoid anyone and everyone. They all lived together in as much peace and harmony was possible under the circumstance.

As the prince and his family await the arrival of the future Queen of France and Scotland the birds are chirping and the day seems to keep getting more enthusiastic and joyful. As two carriages pull up to the front of the castle the first includes the Queen's closets friends from when she was young. The second carriage contained the fair, magnificent and kindhearted Queen Clara. As the queen steps out of the carriage an arrow is shot straight at the emerging body. The first body was a decoy to see if there truly was still a threat on the queen's head. The guards rushed the queens from her carriage to within the castle walls within seconds of the arrow shot.

As the day wore on and the sadness lifted from over the queen and her friends the festivities continued from the day to the night. The lanterns were lit and the fireworks began. The people danced, drank wine and enjoyed each other's company to celebrate the arrival of a new queen. However, what they people did not know was they Francis' mother Jacqueline was plotting against Clara because she had been advised by her prophet that Clara's existence in their home would bring death to her first born, the heir France's thrown. All throughout the festivities Jacqueline put up a mask for show t her people but in her mind all she could think of was way to get rid of that treacherous girl who was going to get her son killed.

As the festivities would to an end and as all reported to their quarters and lay to rest there came a gut wrenching scream form Queen Clara's quarters. As the guards rushed in they revealed a young man attempting to make the queen unworthy of marrying Prince Francis. The next morning the forgiving and clueless Clara requested the King and Queen of France to allow her to have words with the subject but he was beheaded that morning in fear of hers and the royal families' security and she was charged for the attempt at the French and Scottish thrown. As the day wore on and everything became less chaotic the family got more and more worried and precious. Francis worried for Clara's health and safety.

They planned started to plan their wedding ceremony. Clara had the dress picked the decoration in order. As they all waited for the ceremony they heard birds chirping and the soft breeze and the warm sun shining upon them on this very grateful and precarious day. As Clara walked down the aisle with her mother by her side for she had no father to walk her down the aisle to the alter for he had been killed many years ago when she was yet no bigger than a 10 month old child. As they walked to the alter towards Francis saw Clara and his eyes lit up like stars and he felt so grateful and was the happiest man in the universe to be marrying such and amazing women.

After the ceremony at the reception they bride and groom danced with joy, love and passion. Everyone was dresses in their beautiful gowns and they all celebrated with pleasure and lot of wine. The newlyweds went to their room and kiss passionately and enjoyed each other's company with glasses of wine and lots of food. As they finally lay to rest in the wee hours of the morning they heard a sound. Prince Francis stood and drew his sword in honor to protect his newly certified wife. They murder was quick in one clean swipe of the sword the prince was dead. As his body fell to the floor the queen shrieked for the guards but as it later became known their guards had been killed before the attack. They queen was not given such a quick death she was stabbed a multitude of times and bleed dry as a sacrifice to show that Scottish people that their thrown was now open to anyone who deemed it theirs. The French royal family had an amazing funeral procession for the prince and his queen they laid them to rest next to each other in the royal family's grave yard.

The author's comments:
I have always love princess stories but like many things in life sometimes there aren't always happy ending to every story.

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