Silence | Teen Ink


July 3, 2013
By Viktoriya Sakharova BRONZE, Mississauga, Other
Viktoriya Sakharova BRONZE, Mississauga, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Silence. That utter silence that blankets everything in a moment of confusion and panic. Is there anything more menacing, more threatening? Is there a sound loud enough to penetrate the silence in your mind and in your soul? It's as if the moment has stretched to infinity, and I watch the movements in slow motion. I see a tall, dark-haired man at the counter, just a few minutes ago, he was ordering a cup of coffee. An older couple is sitting a few booths away from me. Before this menacing moment began, I noticed them holding hands, smiling at each other. Then, out of the corner of my eye, Jacob comes into view. He is walking nonchalantly towards the entrance.
Jacob. I see him and the silence dissipates. He overpowers my every thought, as he's done on so many occasions before. And in that split-second while he reaches for the door, I yell. I let out a scream that I hope is not imaginary. Above all, I hope that the connection between my desire to save Jacob's life and the ability to yell at the top of my lungs is not severed.
The scene is still in slow motion, Jacob's and everyone else's glares shift in my direction. I realize that I'm in a position that no other individual in this situation would prefer. I don't care. My life, in this and in every moment since I've met Jacob, has belonged to him. I would risk my happiness, my safety and my life altogether to save his. My reckless decision may buy him time that the rest of the customers and employees in this cafe do not have. Time to run. Time to get help. Time to survive.
I am at the end of a gun barrel. The robber is standing behind me with his arm wrapped around my waist. I breathe heavily, eyes locked with Jacob's. There's that silence again. Jacob's panic has him frozen in the same place. RUN! PLEASE!! RUN!!!
Instead, Jacob confidently places his hand on the doorknob and enters. He holds his arms out, gesturing for the robber to be calm.
"Take me," Jacob whispers. "Take me in her place."
I stare into his eyes. I must have stared into those deep blue eyes countless times before, but I've never seen so much pain. I've never contemplated the lengths he would go to protect me. I've never considered that he could return my love ten-fold.
Jacob stood in front of us, willing to sacrifice himself for me. His actions were unlike my own, just a few moments ago.
The robber shifted nervously. He must consider the offer and how much he can gain from it.
On the contrary, he doesn't gain anything. He already has a hostage that can portray a shield. And we move slowly around Jacob. The robber drags me in the direction of the door, turning his head to monitor the rest of the hostages.
Jacob takes a small step in our direction and the robber immediately points the gun at him. Jacob's hands are out in front of his body, a typical gesture for an individual to assume when at gunpoint. Unexpectedly, Jacob lunges for the gun.
An earth-shattering 'BANG'. The cafe ignites with movement and noise. Customers hide below tables. A waitress runs behind the counter. Then, as quickly as it all began, the excitement disappears.
I am kneeling at Jacob's side. My hands press against his wound like the hands of a healer. I wish my love could heal him. Tears stream down my face, landing on his face, his chest, my hands.
His eyes lock with mine and he communicates his hopes and dreams for my future. In my future, he imagines my high school graduation, my first novel, our intimate wedding at a small church outside of Cleveland, and our three beautiful children. His confidence and longing for our future fills my heart with hope. I visualize the day of my graduation as he embraces me in a 'congratulations' hug and I jump into his car. I write the beginning paragraphs of my first novel in a notebook as he drives down the open road. We notice an old cathedral at the end of a gravel path. He smiles and I remove my graduation gown to reveal a white dress. And once we are married, we remember the particular silence we felt at the cafe. The silence that proved to be threatening initially, but evolved into peaceful silence as I held Jacob's gaze all the way to the hospital.
The events of that day are still spoken of, among the people of my neighborhood. If you asked what happened at the cafe - trust me, the person is aware of the cafe you're asking about - he or she will answer, "A sacrifice for the sake of love."

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on Jul. 13 2013 at 1:38 am
EnnaGirl SILVER, Sacramento, California
9 articles 2 photos 58 comments

Favorite Quote:
Be the change you want to see in the world
- Ghandi
