She's A Keeper | Teen Ink

She's A Keeper

March 15, 2013
By leopardprint-andink BRONZE, Richmond Hill, Other
leopardprint-andink BRONZE, Richmond Hill, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
May the best of your todays be the worst of you tomorrows

6:30 a.m on a sunny summer morning, a time that 15 year old girl should not be getting up yet the alarm clock seemed to think different. “Let’s go Amber!” Mom yelled from downstairs. It’s 6 freaking 30 in the morning, why is the world so cruel. Groaning as I rolled over and buried my head in my pillows only to hear the echo of my tea cup Chihuahua barking. I hate you world.
“Leave it to Chloe to help me wake you.” Mom walked in my room holding my dog.
“Yeah great tag team, trader.” I stuck out my tongue at my dog. Shaking her head while laughing at me, she left my room leaving the door open.
Shower, shower, shower, the only thought on my mind as I got out of bed. Letting the hot water run down my body, relaxing my muscles. All too soon it was time to get out. Wrapping the towel around me, I put on my jean shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top. My amber hair fell down my back to my mid back, my mom always says the colour of my hair and my name are a coincidence, I personally think it’s weird. I brushed my hair out and let my curls fall naturally, applying little mascara and eyeliner to my dark brown eyes and for the final touch, lip gloss to make my full pink lips look their best. Looking myself over I was ready to go.
Grabbing my phone off my side table I texted my two friends Ava and Chelsea ‘today is the day, see you guys in a month! ? xx.’ Chloe trailed behind me as I headed downstairs and sat at our bar island where breakfast was waiting. Pancakes, fruit and juice; the perfect breakfast food. The sun was already beating through our bay window looking out to our backyard. I could have been spending my summer in that nice clean pool with jets, enjoying the California sun, but no, my mom insisted I go away to a camp. It’s not even like this camp was nearby and I can come home at 4 like a normal kid, mother was persistent that I go to a camp in Northern Cali, far from Beverly Hills.
“Are you ready to go?” Mom asked. Sighing I nodded at her. “Alright then, let’s go.”
Heading down the freeway, I watched as Beverly Hills disappeared behind us, no going back now. After about 2 hours my mom woke me.
“Look honey, isn’t it beautiful?” She was still driving, and I was confused as to what she was talking about till I realized.
“Wow, it’s beautiful.” I gasped. We were driving along the ocean, the sun mid sky, the clear blue water and the birds. Immediately taking out my phone I took photos of the beautiful scene. Nobody could ever say California was not beautiful.
“Another half hour and we’ll be there.” Mom told me before I fell asleep again.
Here we are, camp nowhere. It was literally in the middle of nowhere, I barely got cell reception. Pulling my bags out of the car, I said goodbye to my mom and headed up the dirt path. My sunglasses weren’t needed with all the shade form the tall trees.
“Heads!” I heard someone yell. Instinctively, I ducked. Only to be trampled by someone else. “Woah sorry there, good reflexes.” The same voice said to me.
I looked up and there was a hand out stretched to me. Grabbing it, they pulled me up. “Yeah, uh thanks.” I said brushing myself off. The person I noticed was a guy, and a cute one at that. He was tall with shaggy brown hair and light eyes.
“Names Jake.” He smiled the smile that would make any girl weak in the knees.
“Amber.” I returned the smile.
“Uhm, so uh, can I show you to your cabin?” He asked kicking a couple rocks.
“Yeah, that would be a great help.” I reassured him.
So this may not be as bad as I thought it would.

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