Love Abroad | Teen Ink

Love Abroad

February 8, 2013
By Anonymous

Moving to a new place is like having a chance to start all over.
So this is my chance to restart and change me.

"Bye, Bree. I'm going to miss you so much!" My best friend and current room mate hugs me tightly.

"Can't. breathe." I choke out.

"I'm sorry, I'm just going to miss you so much!" She sighs sadly squishing me in another hug.

"Em, I promise it's only five months. We can Skype every other night—"

"Last call for the 3:30 flight to Dublin, Ireland," the automated voice spoke throughout the airport terminal.

"I've got to go, Emily. I'll call you when I get to Mullingar." I promise, giving her one last hug before handing my ticket to the flight attendant.

"Bye, Bree!" she waved spastically, I giggle walking to my seat in coach on the plane.

The nine and a half hour flight to Dublin was anything but relaxing. As soon as we landed I could already tell that Ireland was going to be way different than The States. So deciding to not waste any time I headed to the baggage claim and gathered my stuff, and might I say that I am not a light packer, and headed towards the car I rented.

If everything goes as I planned this should be an easy five months. I rented an apartment, or as its called in Europe a flat, and scheduled all of my classes before I left The States so I wouldn't be in a panic when I arrived. The rest of my day was spent unpacking and settling in. When I was finally finished it was around 7 o'clock, so I decided to go out and explore around Mullingar.

As soon as I walked out of the door I was greeted by a dog the size of a bear tackling me to the ground.

"Well Hi there.." I giggled "where's your owner---"

"BEAR! Where are yo---Oh my." I stood up. "I am SO sorry about Bear, he's a friendly lad." said as I'm guessing the owner of the dog.

"I'm sure he is! He is absolutely adorable if I must say!" I exclaim, bending down to Bear's level, petting his fur.

"He is isn't he? I'm Sean by the way," he smiles, stroking Bear's fur. I stood back up.

"Aubrey," I smile back, shaking his hand.

"Pretty name...For a very pretty girl!" he winks. I can immediately feel my face heat up.

"Thanks" I turn around, trying to hide my blush, acting like I heard someone call my name. The only thought running through my head is that I have to leave before I turn into a cherry. "Sean...I'm sorry but I have to go! It was really nice meeting you!"

"It's cool, I hope I see you again Aubrey" he returned with a wink.

"I sure hope so!" I only whispered under my breath. I turn around after saying goodbye to Bear and walked towards the near by park, hoping Sean didn't follow. I sat on a bench and thought about everything from my A levels to Sean to what I was gonna do in Ireland by myself. It soon got dark so I headed back to my flat.

The next morning I got up and got ready for my first day of UNI. I drug my lazy butt down to my car and headed to Starbucks for breakfast and a coffee. When I got to University I headed to the front desk to pick up my schedule and a map of the university. I looked at my A levels list:


First period maths...I'm good at math it's just a bore. When I finally found the classroom I immediately picked a desk towards the middle back. Once I sat and got ready for class a peppy blonde sat next to me.

"Hi! I'm Ashlin!" She said with a perky voice. "New here?"

"Hey, I'm Aubrey and yeah I am, that easy to tell?" She laughed lightly.

"Well I wouldn't have noticed, but you're kinda sitting in---"

"My desk." I looked over to see none other than Sean. I blushed. "Aubrey right?" I nodded and he smiled. "Good to see you again." The look on Ashlin's face was priceless, I'm guessing he doesn't normally have a conversation with people in 'his desk'. He sits down next to me and Ashlin's jaw drops even more. The three of us chat until the teacher walks in and class starts. The rest of the day went smoothly. When I got back to the flat complex I grabbed my UNI stuff from my car and headed to the elevator. I reached it right before it was about to close, so I jumped in...and on someone.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't want to wait--" I rambled on.

"It's quite alright Aubrey." Wait how does he know my name. I looked up.


"The one and only.. We really need to stop bumping into each other like this." I laughed. The elevator opened to reveal my floor.

"I agree. Well math homework awaits me." I said simply.

"Mind me joining? We can get it done faster if we do it together." He added. I shrugged.

"Sure. I don't see why not." I walked towards my flat door with Sean behind me. We walked into the living room. We sat down on the couch and spread our books out.

"You handle the evens and I'll do the odds?" I asked. He agreed, and we started. Sean was right it went by a lot faster! We finished with in twenty minutes.

"Hungry?" Sean asked. I nodded. He grabbed my hand and I swear, I could feel my arm tingle for a moment. We walked out of my flat and towards his car. He let go of my hand and we got in.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see Bree." I smiled and nodded. About half way down the road I got a text from Emily.

'ARE YOU ALIVE?!?' I laughed and quickly responded.

'Yea! Sorry I forgot to call you Em. But guess what!'

It took her a while to respond so I decided to turn the radio up...really loud. Sean just laughed and keep driving. Myself on the other hand belted out every word to every song that came on. Then finally a response.


'I might have met someone already.. :)))))' Emily responded quicker than I think light.

'REALLY. Is he cute? What's his name? Does he go to UNI with you? Tell me everything Bree!' I laughed and Sean looked at me.

"What are you laughing about?"

"My friend Emily is freaking out about something. Nothing new.." He nodded and we arrived at a restaurant. "Ireland's best. Nandos." He got out and walked to my side of the car and opened the door. I smiled and got out. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"Sean?" He looked at me.

"Aubrey." I giggled.

"What's going on here?" He raised an eyebrow. "I mean. With us?" He shrugged.

"Us?" He asked and I nodded. "I don't know, at least not yet." We sat down and I texted Emily back.

'Ill tell you everything later. We're grabbing some food. Love ya Em.'

After I sent it I put my phone away and we ordered. I now understand why British people are always raving about Nandos. The way back to the complex was chill. We talked about anything and everything about our lives. When we got back he walked me back to my flat. I opened the door and started walking inside.

"Aubrey..." I turned to face Sean. He rubbed the back of his neck and looked down. "I was wondering if we could do this again. I mean the whole dinner part. Maybe Friday?" He asked and looked up at me. I nodded.

"I'd love to." We both smiled. He kissed my forehead and walked off to his flat. I closed the door and completely spazzed. I grabbed my phone and called Emily.

"Answer. Answer. Answer."


"OH MY GOD EM. He's perfect. He has this bad boy type thing going and then around me he gets this cute shy side. And it gets better he lives in my complex and he asked me to dinner on Friday and I'm freaking out." I got it out in less than two breaths. Emily just laughed.

"Calm down Bree. You'll be fine." I took a deep breath. "So... Tell me about him."

"His name is Sean. He's in my math class and he lives in my complex. He's literally gorgeous. He has swooshy light brown hair and his eyes.. God his eyes are a perfect light blue." I smiled just thinking about him. Emily and I talked for what seemed like hours.

The next few days dragged on. It finally was Friday and Ashlin was over helping me get ready for tonight. She picked out my outfit, did my hair and makeup, and like any friend would do...a pep talk. Once she was finished assuring me that everything would be fine she left. And I was wait for Sean to show up.

Waiting made me ten times more nervous. The clock seemed like it tick slower and slower with each passing second. Ashlin just had to leave me alone to wait didn't she. After what seemed like hours of waiting, but was only about ten minutes, Sean finally showed up.
"Bree..." He knocked on the door. "I'm here!" I got up and walked towards the door and opened it. He looked perfect... Dark jeans, a light blueish-gray t-shirt that hugged around his muscles, and grey high top Supras. He snapped me out of my daze. "You ready to go Bree?" I nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked out to his car. He opened the door for me and I got in. He ran around to his side and got in. As usual I turned the radio up all the way and Sean drove off. Half way down the road and half way through me belting out Thriftshop by Macklemoore, it happened.

It wasn't supposed to happen like this. I never planned on this happening so fast. One simple kiss on the cheek and that was it. It was over. Everything was over. A head on collision. An impact so hard it sent Sean flying from the window. It wasn't his fault and it wasn't my fault, but it was over. I just found him and now he's gone.

It's been a year since the accident and I still think about him everyday. He was perfect for me, and I never got the chance to cherish my time with him. Just two weeks. That's all it took... To fall for him, to lose him, and lose myself. I couldn't stay in Ireland after the accident. Everything reminded me of him and sitting in maths without him tore me apart. Now I'm back in The States and missing him everyday.

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