Our time | Teen Ink

Our time

January 15, 2013
By Taylor Rasner BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
Taylor Rasner BRONZE, Charlotte, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As I stood at the Alter side by side with my husband to be, I had a sudden flashback. I thought back to when we first met. I was sitting in English class, bored out of my mind, about to fall asleep when all of a sudden there was a knock on the door. My teacher, Ms. Levine, opened the door and in walked a guidance counselor with a boy standing next to her. This boy was tall, kind of muscular, with sandy brown hair and bright blue eyes. He was so good looking I felt as if I were drooling!

The counselor announced that she was there to introduce us to a new student from Michigan that was going to be in our 12th grade English class this year. “Class I would like you to meet Joe.” Joe looked up at the class and gave us a shy, awkward smile then went back to staring at his feet. When he glanced up the second time, I found him looking directly at me! Our eyes locked for a brief moment: time stood still and my heart felt like it was beating a million times per second.

Ms. Levine introduced herself to Joe and showed him an empty seat…right next to me!! I was freaking out, my nerves were set on overdrive. Ms. Levine asked me to fill Joe in on what’s going on in class and everything we have done so far. What the heck was I supposed to say?!? I am not used to talking to guys who look like Abercrombie and Fitch Models! I tried to swallow but there was a huge lump in my throat. Joe peered over at me and smiled and I smiled nervously back. Gosh those eyes! I could get lost in them forever! I felt myself melting into a puddle of hormones.

I couldn’t take my eyes off of him! I quickly opened my mouth before he could tell I was staring and blurted out the first thing that came to mind, “Hi I’m Taylor!” I was practically yelling at him, and immediately I felt mortified. What if I spit in his eye or something? Ugh. But, to my surprise, he just chuckled and said, “Nice to meet you, I’m Joe, but you probably already know that from my big introduction.” He smiled a crooked smile at me and my heart went wild. I talked to him about what was going on in class until the bell rang for lunch.

I stood up slowly, wondering whether or not I had the nerve in me to ask if Joe wanted to sit with me at lunch. Before I had too much time to think about it I just went for it and asked, “Do you want to sit with me at lunch?” Wait, he might think that I like him or something, so I quickly added, “You know, because you don’t really know anyone at this school and I don’t want you to have to sit alone.” Good save Taylor! Again I was shouting at him and embarrassed myself once more! To my complete and utter disbelief he immediately responded, “ I would love too,” and smiled. He would not just like to, but he would love to? Eeeeep! I beamed and answered “Okay cool.” I was as cool as a cucumber ;).

We sat at the lunch table and just started talking about anything and everything. It was like we had known each other forever. I had never had this connection so fast with someone like this before, and I loved it. I asked what his next class was and he said, “AP calculus.” Wow I have a smarty pants on my hands! But, I was sad because we didn’t have any more classes together, not until English on Monday. ? We were both obviously disappointed.

When the lunch bell rang for us to go to our next class we walked back together and continued chatting. When we arrived back at our English class to collect our materials he looked down at his feet and asked me something. “Um, I know we just met and everything but I was wondering if I could maybe have your number….you know so I can ask you questions about school and stuff.” After he said this he glanced up at me again and gave me one of his shy, nervous smiles. I was ecstatic! “Of course you can! Here I’ll write it down for you.” I scribbled down my number on a scrap piece of paper and handed it to him. He was smiling ear to ear. “Thanks I will text you when I get home so, you know, you will have my number as well,” he replied quickly. “Sounds good, I’m looking forward to it.” I answered sweetly. “Me too.” He gave me one of his crooked smiles and scurried out of the classroom.

I was so happy! Was this really happening?? When I got home that day from school the situation started to dwell on me. What if this is too good to be true? Why would such a sweet, cute guy be interested in such an average, plain girl like me? I was beginning to feel a little depressed when all of a sudden I felt a buzzing come from my book bag, my phone was still on vibrate from school. I began unzipping my bag and picked up my phone. I slid my phone open and saw that I had gotten a text…from Joe!!! Ahhh! I was so excited! I couldn’t hold back the smile that was spreading across my face. I eagerly opened the text message and read, “Hey Taylor it’s Joe. I just wanted to say that I’m really glad you are in my English class and that you were the first person I met coming to Ardrey Kell High. You are so nice and fun to be around, and not to mention pretty ?. I was wondering if maybe you would like to go out with me on Saturday night? We can just hang out or it can be a date, it’s up to you, but I want to see you again before Monday. ?” Omg!!!!

I quickly texted back, “I would love to hang out with you! We don’t have to label it as a date if we don’t want to so there won’t be as much pressure, but that would be really fun. Is 7 ok??” My phone buzzed about a minute later with a response. “Yeah, of course, I’ll pick you up then. What’s your address?” “15680 Worthington Drive! Don’t be late ;)!” He texted back, “Okay I won’t! I want to spend as much time as I can with you! “ ?

When Saturday came along I was as nervous as ever! What the heck was I going to wear?!? Is a dress too formal? Should I just wear a t-shirt and jeans? No, that’s too casual. I ended up picking out a flowery, knee length dress with cowboy boots and subtle but definitely noticeable make up. Perfect!

Joe arrived at 6:55, 5 minutes early!! Oh goodness, okay I think I’m ready. I flew down the stairs almost falling flat on my face. I slowly opened the door. Joe was standing there with a button down shirt and khaki pants , and he was holding something in his right hand….a single rose. Aww so cute! He smiled his crooked smile at me and said, “Wow you look beautiful.” He stepped forward and gave me the rose and kissed me on the cheek. Butterflies were having a frenzy in my stomach! He was so sweet , this was like right out of a fairytale!

Joe took my hand and led me to his red mustang and opened the door for me to climb into the passenger seat. No one has ever done that for me before! He walked around the front of the car and hopped into the seat next to me and turned on the radio. The Killers new song “Runaways” came humming through the speakers. Was there anything non- perfect about this guy???

That date was the best date I had ever been on. We went to dinner, walked on the beach, and then laid on the sand under the stars. When Joe walked me to the door, I wanted him to kiss me so bad but I didn’t know if he wanted to. He then asked me suddenly, “Can I give you a kiss goodnight? I really want to.” He gave me a sweet smile and turned red. I blushed as well, and I nodded my head yes.

He leaned in and lightly kissed me on the lips and cupped my cheeks with his hands then running his fingers through my hair. The butterflies were going crazy! I was falling for this guy, and hard, and I had only met him yesterday.

I began to smile as I stood there at the Alter thinking about the past. I began to realize that this was the beginning of our forever and he makes me happier than I have ever been. He loves me for me- imperfections and all. He is always there for me through thick and thin, and I know that he always will be.

As the minister asked if Joe would take my hand in marriage he answered yes and was smiling his crooked smile at me, my favorite! And as the minister asked me if I would take his hand in marriage til’ death do us part, I knew without a shadow of a doubt that that’s what I wanted, all I wanted. I was in love with him with all my heart and I knew he was hopelessly in love with me too.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.” Joe took my hand and squeezed it tightly and leaned in and kissed me, giving me butterflies once more. As he pulled away I looked into his gorgeous blue eyes and knew there would be a lot more of those to come. This was our time.

The author's comments:
I am a hopefull romantic and I had a lot of fun writing this piece. Joe is the perfect guy in my story!

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