The River Love | Teen Ink

The River Love

December 13, 2012
By Anonymous

The river was a calm and peaceful place for a couple to spend the evening. Geroge and Maria headed down the bank toward the shallow stream where they came across a path of stones leading to the other side of the river As they crossed George whispered to Maria "Be careful, the rocks are slippery." George turned to offer Maria his hand and guide her safely across the stones. Gratefully she slipped her hand into his and moved to stand closer. Together they walked carefully until they felt the welcome firmness of solid ground beneath their feet. It was March and a break in the rainy weather had seemed like an open invitation to take a ride out into the countryside and enjoy a break from the harsh winter. Spring was beginning to push its pretty head up through the cold hard soil and an array of snowdrops waved their stark white petals above the carpet of green. Maria breathed deeply and slipped her arm through George's as a sudden burst of euphoria washed over her. She layed her head against his shoulder and looked up into his face. He smiled gently back at her and lowered his lips to give her a breif kiss. Above the noise of the river Maria heard the sound of George's phone ringing from across the river. He frowned apologetically. "Damn" he muttered "I've left my phone in the car. "You wait here, I won't be long." Maria nodded her assent even though she resented this constant invasion of their privacy. She watched now as George ran back the way they had come and carefully if hurriedly crossed the stones to the other side. Maria strolled on a little further and rested her back against the trunk of a large accommodating Oak tree. The wild river Barle hurtled along its course carrying with it debris ripped from the nearby trees by the ferocious winds of the past few days. Maria looked back to the stones to see if there were any sign of Martin and she was horrified to see her father draging George toward the river. Maria started to run, but her father dragged George toward the deeper end of the river. She cried and begged "Daddy please let him go, i won't see him ever again, just don't hurt him." The father sa the look of disspair in his daughters face and released the boy. George ran away leaving his phone and keys on the river bank. Maria tried to get into contact with George but he was so frightened he would not talk to her. Maria's father let them have one last night to say their goodbyes. When Georege walked Maria to her front door her dad stepped on the front porch and said "Maria, we are moving to California for the summer to see your Grandmother. But if by the time we get back your friend can get on his own two feet, straighten his act and get a job i may allow you to see him."

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