We Bring Life | Teen Ink

We Bring Life

December 12, 2012
By Arttakessacrifice BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
Arttakessacrifice BRONZE, Franklin, Massachusetts
1 article 1 photo 2 comments

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Love as if there was no tomorrow, Love as if it were all you knew.

laying under this beautiful canopy in the woods with the sun trickling down from above, Kissing us with it's warmth. Laying here with you just talking and holding your hand in this beautiful place makes my heart flutter like a humming bird... I can't even fathom how happy this makes me feel. Yet then you surprise me with a kiss. As I lie there speechless and unable to do anything beside hold you, and look deep into your gorgeous eyes, lost in beauty. I've fallen for you; but look the sun is setting, we must go now... leaving our safe, sweet canopy to walk the path back to reality... the leaves quickly transition from their deep green to fluorescent orange and yellow, but as we grow closer to the end of the path, it seems everything around us is fading... hand in hand walking down the barren path leaves falling all around us as we depart these woods. Our hands came apart and as they did, all the remaining life in the woods around us left. With love we bring life into the very things around us, but then we take it back when we leave.

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