The Day we Meet | Teen Ink

The Day we Meet

December 12, 2012
By Anonymous

“The Day we Meet”

Just a normal day at my high school. Walk in go to your locker, then to class nothing more, and nothing that exciting. Oh! By the way I’m Sally. But, I always look forward to my fourth period class. That’s my science class and I get to see my secret crush Tony. We are lab partners and nothing could get any worse, but there is, he has the most popular girlfriend in the school. That’s what stopping me to ask him can we hang out or something like that, but today is the day I will talk to him and he will like me back and we will like happily ever after.
“Hey Tony you ready to do the lab?” I said
“Hi Sally and readier then ever!” Tony said
“That seem so enthusiastic!” I said
“Haha you’re funny and cute but I never realized it.” Tony said
He did not just say I’m funny and cute. This is amazing I think he likes me back. Just act cool and go with it.
“You’re not so bad yourself.” I said back
I really think he likes me and I’m the happiest person on earth right now. But, I’m trying not to show it because I don’t want to break the moment.
“We should hang out sometime. You really seem like a fun person to hang out with.” He said
“Sure I would really like that but what about your girlfriend Sarah?” I replied
“Don’t worry about her. We will keep this between us.” Tony said
This is not real life, this is all not happing its all a dream. This was going through my head. I couldn’t believe it, but why would the most popular guy in school want to hang out with a girl like me? I’m not the prettiest girl on earth but I have to act this way, and dress like I’m beautiful but I’m really not.
“Okay? Where should we go?” I asked
“To that pizza place down the street with all the pretty lights.” Tony said
It seemed like this class was endless with him here. But I still had to go through more class periods thinking about him. We meet up after school and went to that pizza place. It was so much fun, just hanging out as friends of course. But, I truly wish it was more. Only if something could happen to the girlfriend. Sarah and I are not the best of friends. Either she was jealous of me or I was jealous of her. It was endless fighting and we can never agree on something. If I steal her boyfriend away from her then just imagine what would happen there, something not very good.
She is the most beautiful person on earth, even better then Sarah. I’m only dating Sarah because our parents are really good friends and my parents told me to date her. I would rather be with Sally than Sarah. Sarah is so mean to everyone and can never be nice, but then I can’t break her heart because my parents and her parents would both get really mad. But I truly want to be with Sally, this date is so nice I have to get her to like me or this will be a mess. I have to think of something to be with Sally but not hurting Sarah. There is no way that will happen because Sarah, will not allow it and it wouldn’t happen.
“This has been a awesome time. I couldn’t have asked for more. Thanks so much.” Said Sally
“Your welcome I had a fun time too, but can I ask you something?” I said
“Uhh ummm I really like you Sally.” I said
“I really like you too but I thought you never felt the same about me!” Sally said
“Sally will you go out with me, and I know I’m dating Sarah but I will find a way to let her down easy and for us to be together. I will not hide you like some other people do. I will be proud to have you as my girlfriend?!” I said
“I really like you too but I thought you never felt the same about me!”
“Sally will you be my girlfriend, and I know I’m dating Sarah but I will find a way to let her down easy and for us to be together. I will no hide you like some other people do. I will be proud to have you as my girlfriend?!” I said
I can’t believe he just asked me that. What should I say?
“Of course I will be your girlfriend.” I said enthusiastic
“Really you will be my girlfriend! I will by the end of the week no be dating Sarah and we can be really dating! Said Tony really determined to end the relationship with Sarah. I only thought we were hanging out, but it was our first date, and I couldn’t be happier. I was building up with excitement like a firework getting ready to be lit. This whole week we hung out everyday, and it felt like it was just the two of us in the world and no one else. I hope that we let’s her down easy, because I don’t want us to be on bad terms. Just because he broke up with her and is dating me. But I spoke to soon or thought? She came running down the hallway crying and came right up to me. She wasn’t happy at all.
“Who do you think you are to steal my boyfriend? You’re not even pretty, why would he go date you and not me?” Sarah said really mad
“I’m really sorry; I didn’t know he was going to ask me out?” I said back upset
Why would I be upset over her? She is the meanest person on this planet, and why would she get really mad.
“Well you break up with him or bad things will happen!” Sarah said and then stormed off.
I went crying to Tony because right now he is my only friend. I told him everything that happened and he wasn’t too happy about that. He said we have to make a plan to get rid of her. Why would he think of that what about world peace? He just laughed and I got really scared, but he was only joking. He meant that we have to figure out a way to get her not to be mean to me and him.
I thought this would never happen to Sally. I honestly don’t know what to do. I will try to talk to Sarah to tell her not to be mean and maybe that will help the situation. I hope it will because I don’t want to have to break up over this because my ex should really just deal with it. Heck by the end of the weekend I bet she will be dating someone else. Sally and I hung out most of the weekend to figure out what to do. She thought of a great Idea, just ignore her, plain and simple, I like it. So far it has been working, but I won’t keep up this long, I know that for a fact, we dated for a year.
I hope this plan will last a long time because if it doesn’t then I don’t know what to do. My time with Tony has been great, we hang out almost everyday and since football season is over we have a lot more time together. But our plan with ignoring Sarah is starting to fail. She is figuring out that we are avoiding her. Its just I want to be on good terms with her, but know that I’m dating Tony, it won’t work. Only if there was a way we can be friend, then maybe she won’t be mad at me for stealing her boyfriend? I told Tony as soon as this idea popped into my head. I got the perfect idea! Talk to her; hang out with her, and then bam best friends.
“Hey Tony I thought of another idea.” I said with a grin on my face
“What is it?” he said unsure what I was going to say
“If I become best friends with Sarah then, it will resolve the break up and then we can be friends!” I said really excited
“How will that happen?” he said
Why does he doubt me on this I thought it was a good plan but telling him and his reaction I’m not sure about it anymore?
“Well I first start off talking to her, see if we have any of the same interest, then I will say lets hang out, and then bam we are the best of friends.”
“It’s a good plan but I’m not sure it will work, you have to be popular and….” Tony said
What is he saying I’m not popular? He did not just say that, I thought he would never say that. That is really sad he would say that.
“So you’re saying I’m not popular, I can’t be friends with her?” I said unsure and upset about to burst into a waterfall of tears.
“Don’t be upset. It’s not you fault. But by dating her you have to be popular or you’re not her friend.”
I honestly don’t know what to say. In the beginning of our relationship he said he won’t say anything about the whole popular thing. I don’t know what to do end to relationship or keep on dating him. I don’t care what he said I’m going to try this whole friend thing, either he is coming with me or we are done. He has to support me on this, he is my boyfriend. He is supposed to be behind me right?
“Either you are with me or not.” I said with a bit of sass
“I’m with you but it just won’t work. I’m just telling you what I took out of the relationship and trying to help you. That’s all.” Tony said really sympathetic
“Well Tony I’m going with my plan because I need to try to be more social.”
Next day at school I go up to Sarah. What’s going through my head is a lot but here goes nothing.
“Hey Sarah can we…….

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