My life has changed forever | Teen Ink

My life has changed forever

December 16, 2012
By Amanda Reichert BRONZE, Coatsville, Missouri
Amanda Reichert BRONZE, Coatsville, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Brooklyn has been pushing Weston to go to college but he won’t listen. They have been dating for three years but things are going to change because, I am pregnant! I just found out and I am really scared to Weston because I don’t know what he is going to do or think. I am still in high school and I graduate this year. Weston is picking me up from school and I plan on telling him the news. I told my friend my friend Brittany and she freaked out. I really hope Weston doesn’t react the same way. School was finally over and Weston was waiting for me in the school parking lot. As soon as I got in the car I could tell Weston wasn’t in a good mood. I was really nervous and didn’t say much until Weston asked “what’s wrong?” I said “Well I have to tell you something and I don’t know how you’re going to react, but I am really scared, I am pregnant.” I started crying and Weston just stared at me with a blank look on his face. He smiled and said “Wow! I can’t believe this is happening.” I looked at him and stared in his eyes and said “Me either, but we are going to have to try and make this work for the baby.” He said “I agree and I think we can do it.” I couldn’t really tell if he meant that or if he was just saying that because he knows I want him to be happy and be there for the baby. Weston gave me a kiss and I got out of the car.

I still don’t know how I am going to tell my mom that I am pregnant she is going to freak out. I walked in the door and my mom was sitting on a chair at the kitchen table. She looked sad and confused. I asked “what’s wrong?” she said “you tell me I heard some things today at the doctor’s office and I would just like to know if it’s true, are you really pregnant?” I paused and got a knot in my throat. I quietly said “yes mom, I am.” Her eyes started watering and her face got pale, she started bawling. I gave her a hug and said “are you mad and disappointed in me?” she said “no I would never be mad at you I am just disappointed that this is happening to you.” I told her “I will be fine, I can handle this.” She said “that’s what you think you are going to have a baby reality hasn’t even hit you yet.” I ran to my room in tears and called Weston and told him what had happened. He told me everything would be okay and not to stress about it. I said “I have every right to stress about it, I still have to pass my senior year and attempt to go to college unlike you.” he said “whatever” and hung up on me. I don’t understand why he is being this way. He isn’t the one that has to go through with all this.

The next day at school I just wanted to go home. But I couldn’t because I had my first doctor’s appointment to see how far I am in my pregnancy. I haven’t talked to Weston since last night so I don’t really know if he will go with me.

The rumor has gone around school that I am pregnant. It has been really awkward because everyone has stared at me. After school my mom picked me up she asked me if Weston was going with me and I told her I haven’t even talked to him. I called him but he didn’t even answer, it went straight to voicemail. Once we got to the doctors Weston text me and asked me what I needed I text him after the appointment and told him he just missed his babies first ultrasound. I found out I am 12 weeks. My mom and I had a big talk about Weston not being there I am starting to realize maybe she is right.

I haven’t talked to Weston in over five days and to make things worse I heard by my friend Brittany that he has been hanging out with the girl named Stacy, he knows I can’t stand her so the fact that he is hanging out with her really makes me mad.

It has been over a week since me and Weston have talked and threes a lot of rumors going around that he has been out partying and spending a lot of time with Stacy. I text him and asked if he could come over so we could talk. He text me back and said he would be there in five minutes. When he got here it was really awkward because he just sat there and didn’t have anything to say and text. I said “what is going on between us?” he just stared at me before he said anything then he said “well for now I think it would be best if we took a break till the baby comes so we know if we really want to be with each other.” My eyes stated to but I did want to cry in front of him, so I just said “I don’t think that is going to work but I’m not going to be the only one that tries.” He got up and gave me a hug and left, as soon as he was gone I started bawling. I called my mom and told her what happened she told me she knew he was going to do this to me, and then she said we will talk about this more when I get home. I called Brittany because I thought it might be good to get my mind of Weston. She came and picked me up and we went out to lunch.

There is only a month till I am due and it has been very stressful I am getting ready to graduate next week so I have been having a whole bunch of tests. I haven’t talked to Weston since he told me he wanted a break. So I think he doesn’t want anything to do with our baby. He has also started dating Stacy and has spent most of his time and money on her. I have got all my baby stuff ready and we just painted the baby’s room yesterday. I found out I am having a girl so I am going to name her Sofia Lynn. My mom has been really supportive and she plans on watching her when I have school and work.

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