My First Love | Teen Ink

My First Love

December 10, 2012
By yeager taylor SILVER, Hemet, California
yeager taylor SILVER, Hemet, California
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“My First Love”

The smell of fresh cut grass fills my nostrils. The feel of moisture in the air touches my skin. The firmness of the clay beneath my feet provides me with stability. The crack of a wooden bat penetrates the air and adds to the rhythm of my heart beating in my chest with anticipation. Getting up at the crack of dawn to meet your first love is always worth it. My first love isn’t a girl, its baseball. Baseball is the girlfriend that is always by your side sharing your dreams of success. The harder you work to earn her love the more she rewards you with accomplishments and success. Baseball is a fickle mistress. She can toy with your emotions as a linedrive just misses going over the outfield fence. She strings you along in a dance of desire while you’re at the plate fighting off pitch after pitch battling a full count. To be a competitive baseball player you have to play for the “love of the game” and I love baseball.

Baseball needs to be nurtured in order for your love to grow. Hours of batting practices are necessary to hone your swing to perfection so the bat kisses the ball in just the right spot. The defensive must flow together in an orchestrated dance of timing to complete a successful play. Many hours are spent in the chase of baseball. Whether it’s a flyball that leads you in a race to the wall or a short hop that keeps you on your toes baseball is always leading the chase. Baseball expects you to be in top physical condition. She will punish your body by throwing you towards the clay in your quest to catch her. She will expect you to sacrifice yourself for her pleasure. Baseball requires much out of you but she gives so much in return.

Baseball provides you with a family. This family lives with you between the foul lines. Your baseball family picks you up when you’re down, supports you when you fail and pats you on the back when you’re their hero. For nine innings, nine players share the same goal of making their mistress proud. She dresses us just alike so our ability will be the only thing that sets us apart. She gives us the same equipment from the bat to the glove to prove our love for her. We step onto her field as one to bring her glory but individually hoping today will be the day that she notices me. They say winning isn’t everything but to baseball the dream of winning keeps the boys running towards her.

Everyday she and I meet on her field of grass and clay. Over and over again we dance the same dance. I chase the dreams that baseball offers not knowing how our relationship will end up but hoping for a lifelong commitment. Baseball is “my first love.” We met when I was a small child but our relationship has grown stronger with every year. She has led me on great adventures and allowed me to travel the country in pursuit of her. I strive to please her because I love Baseball.

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This article has 1 comment.

GotSoccer19 said...
on Dec. 18 2012 at 9:45 pm
GotSoccer19, Dallas, Texas
0 articles 0 photos 24 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A real athlete knows that there's no off-season."

This is so good. I love the comparison between a girlfriend and baseball!! Very good!!