Sweat and dirt | Teen Ink

Sweat and dirt

December 3, 2010
By TerraTAZz GOLD, Sapulpa, Oklahoma
TerraTAZz GOLD, Sapulpa, Oklahoma
18 articles 3 photos 86 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nobody goes through life without a scar.

-carol burnett

You know the quotes " you don't know what you have until it's gone"? Well for those who have never learned that lesson the hard way I am here to tell you it absolutly sucks!

I met him in first grade. We were mortal enemies! I secretly liked him, he secretly liked me,but in first grade boys were icky and had cooties, and girls were just plain gross. So we were destined to hate eachother and we did.

It wasn't until freshman year when we finally admitted to eachother that we had liked eachother. It wasn't easy. I made him say it first, because I wasn't going to end up hurt or embarrassed.

We talked for longer than I can remember. We talked about all the year's we had known eachother. We laughed about me stealing his bike and throwing it into a creek in front of the school. We realized how much we really had in common.

The day he asked me out I was so nervous. He told me to meet him after his first Football Scrimmage. I waited for him at the old oak tree in front of the high school. He showed up still in his football jersey and pants. I loved the way he looked. His hair was wet with sweat and he looked absolutly exhausted. I smiled and hugged him. He smelled like sweat and dirt, but I loved every second of it.

After spending a few hours just sitting on the steps of the school talking we both stood up and were saying goodbye when he pulled me into his arms and kissed me.
When our lips parted I couldn't breathe. He smiled nervously and asked " will you... go out... with me." I said yes and that was the start of something that would end up changing my life.

After that night Me and Him were always together. I went to all of his Football games. Cheering him on. Then Football season ended to quickly. We had been dating for four months. It felt like two days to me. I couldn't get enough of him, but things were getting difficult. People were begining to talk. Rumors were being started and it hurt so much. I knew they weren't true, but they were getting to me. He could tell. We started arguing one night and we broke up. I had no idea what I had lost.

A month went by and the truth came out. I couldn't believe I had let him go. I knew nothing would change what happened between us.

When baseball season came I saw him for the first time in two months. I was walking to softball practice when I saw him. He was walking with a group of his friends. We made eye contact and I could see he was exactly were I was. He was still hurting too.

After practice I watched him leave, but he never looked back. I went home that day wanting to call him. I chickened out. I chickened out until a day after school ended. I called him right before our schools third annual Red and white football game. He answered the phone.
" Grace?"
I couldn't breathe I never thought he would answer.
" Hey Matt." I said trying to sound a little less nervous.
" what are you .. up to?", he said sounding shocked.
" nothing I am getting ready for the Red and White game. Are you Playing?" I asked.
" Yeah, I'm white team, I don't mean to sound rude, but why are you calling me?", he said. My stomach began to ache.
" can I talk to you after the game?", I said praying he wouldn't say no.
" um... yeah", he said.
" okay well i'll see you at the game. Okay.... bye", I said and hung up the phone. I wanted to make sure he couldn't change his mind.

I sat watching the game with butterflies flying threw my stomach. I had no idea what I was going to say. I was so nervous.
The game ended faster than I wanted it to. I said my goodbyes to my friends and walked to the fench by the football field and waited. When I saw him I couldn't breathe. He was wearing his football jersey and pants. His hair was wet with sweat and he looked absolutly exhausted. He walked up to me and smiled nervously. I had no idea what to say. I couldn't begin to tell him how sorry I was. Then somehow like he always does he read my mind. He pulled me close. He smelled like sweat and dirt, and I was loving every bit of it. Then he kissed me. And when our lips parted I couldn't breathe. Then he said " I don't know if this is what you wanted to talk about, but the way you looked at me when we were walking to practice told me everything... will you... go out with me Grace?" I smiled and said yes.

The author's comments:
Just a little bitter sweet moment in my life:) hope you enjoy!

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This article has 2 comments.

Mels. BRONZE said...
on Sep. 4 2016 at 1:53 am
Mels. BRONZE, Republic, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
¨You´re only in trouble if you get caught.¨

Awh I love it

on Feb. 24 2012 at 8:47 pm
Volleyballgirl12 BRONZE, Birmingham, Alabama
2 articles 7 photos 26 comments

Favorite Quote:
I am only one, but still I am one. I cannot do everything, but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
Helen Keller

This is so sweet! Great job!