Somber Mornings | Teen Ink

Somber Mornings

January 19, 2023
By Anonymous

I remember laying my head on his shoulder, sighing quietly as we enjoyed the view of the night sky. The stars twinkling and the moonlight shining upon us. He would wrap his arms around me and whisper a soft “I love you” in my ear, making me melt into their embrace.

I felt safe. You felt loved. I felt like the most important person in the world, at least, to them. I shut my eyes, feeling the warmth and comfort they were giving me. I enjoyed this moment while it lasted. I gave them a dopey grin, before ultimately drifting to sleep.

I then opened my eyes, rubbing them gently, and sitting up from my bed. I looked at the empty space next to me. Where he used to be. Untouched.

I got out of bed and walked towards my closet, picking out the clothes that I would wear for the day. A bittersweet feeling lingers, gazing at the clothes that were kept in there. There was no longer a trace of the clothes that once filled the space. His clothes. I frowned, shutting the closet door and getting changed into the outfit that I've picked out. Afterwards, heading towards the bathroom.

I glanced over into the basket where I kept all my toiletries. I remember the things that he kept in there. I wince at the memory of all the times I would smile as he wrapped his arms around me, giggling like idiots as we brush our teeth together. I spit out the paste after I finished, and wiped my mouth.

Making my way out of the bathroom and heading downstairs, preparing myself a meal for breakfast. I remembered how he used to cook with me. Eggs and bacon was a personal favorite. We remembered each other's favorite meals, and he always made sure to cook the eggs how I liked them. Even going out of his way to form a little smiley face with two eggs and the bacon. I was truly happy.

I put the plate down in front of me. Two eggs, and bacon. How ironic. I place the food in a shape of a frown, just to replicate my depressive mood. I let out a pained chuckle.

After finishing my breakfast, I remained still for a moment. I could only hear silence, causing my ears to ring. It wasn't until the silence became filled with quiet sniffling noises. I noticed that the noises were coming from none other than myself. My vision began to blur as tears started forming in my eyes, dropping down onto my empty plate. I took a deep breath, before wiping them away from my face. I pushed my lips into a shaky smile.

I placed the dirty dish in the sink, and washed it. Then I headed towards the front door, bringing along my bag. I took my keys and turned around to get a look of my home before leaving. I did miss him, but I knew better than to let my life be like this forever. I knew I'd be okay.

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