I'll wait for you | Teen Ink

I'll wait for you

September 12, 2022
By andrea_castillo BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
andrea_castillo BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was the first day of school, Thomas was thrilled because it was finally his senior year. When he walks into the school, he’s trying to look for his best friends. But Thomas wasn’t paying attention to where he was going. So he accidentally bumped into Marisol, and she dropped her notebooks on the floor. He kneeled to help her pick them up. “OMG, I’m so sorry! I was paying for where I was going,” said Thomas. “It’s okay Thomas,” said Marisol. Thomas was shocked that she knew his name and he didn’t know hers. “How do you know my name?” Thomas asked. “Well you’re the captain of the football team and you’re the cute senior, and everyone knows who you are,” Marisol said. Thomas blushed and was also flabbergasted, he asked “what’s your name, pretty lady?” My name is Marisol Garza” she said while blushing. Marisol was blushing so hard that her cheeks turned super red. Thomas noticed that her cheeks got red, but he didn’t say anything. Marisol got super shy and she said “Thank you for picking up my notebooks, and also watch where you’re going Thomas,” She smiled and walked away.

As the school day went by, he couldn’t stop thinking about Marisol. He couldn’t stop thinking about her beautiful face, smile, and laugh, just her, in general, is irresistible. Thomas couldn’t focus at school because he kept replaying the moment he saw her over and over in his head. The bell rang for lunch and he was so exhilarated for lunchtime that he bumped into someone again. Turns out it was Marisol again, he apologized to Marisol again. “Twice in one day Thomas,” she said while laughing. 

“Marisol! I’m sorry again. I need to pay attention to where I’m going !”  Thomas said. “It’s okay Thomas, Oh I didn’t know that you also have 2nd lunch,” said Marisol with enthusiasm. “Yeah I do, you want to eat lunch together?” Thomas asked. “Yes! Marisol said. As they ate lunch together, they talked about school and their classes. They found out that they have the same math teacher. “We both have Mr. Alvarez!” said Marisol. Thomas was confused about why she is taking Algebra 2 her sophomore year. So he asked “ Why are you taking Algebra 2 your sophomore year? Aren’t you supposed to be taking geometry?  Marisol answered “ Well  I took Algebra 1 when I was in 8th grade and freshman year I took geometry. I’m taking advanced classes.” Then she asked Thomas if he was taking Algebra 2 his senior year. Thomas answered “Well… I failed it last year so now I have to retake it.” Thomas seemed kind of embarrassed when he said that. He didn’t want Marisol to think he was a failure. “ Oh well if you want, we can both help each other out, I’m pretty smart at Math. “I am like Albert Einstein but in Math,” Marisol said while laughing. Thomas also laughed at the joke. If you want we can study in the library or maybe meet up at the park after school” Marisol said. “Well I have football practice after school, but we can make it work,” Thomas said while smiling. 

So Thomas and Marisol met up at the park on the days that Thomas didn’t have practices or games. Some time passed by and Thomas was falling deeply in love with Marisol. And Marisol was also falling in love with Thomas. She just didn’t know how to tell him. Thomas eventually confessed his feelings to Marisol by giving her a love letter. 

Marisol also confessed her feelings to Thomas, but she knew that her father didn't want her to be dating any boys. But she was deeply in love with Thomas. Thomas finally had the guts to ask her out after school at the park with flowers and chocolates. Marisol never saw it coming, she was in shock. “Marisol Garza, will you be my girlfriend?” Thomas asked “OMG Thomas!” Marisol said with enthusiasm. “Yes! Of course.  I’ll be your girlfriend!” she said. Thomas' face glowed like the moon. He hugged her tightly, he was so happy and so was she. But Marisol’s smile slowly faded because she remembered what her dad told her about dating. Thomas quickly asked what was wrong. My father is what’s wrong, I’m not allowed to be dating any boys. He wants me to focus on school and get good grades.” she said. Thomas comforted her and said, “It’s okay let me talk to your dad.” “NO! He will hurt you!” she said “ I have to be the one telling him about us. Just not now…” she said. “Okay, so what do you want to do?” Thomas asked. “Well, for now, let's keep this a secret. Until I talk to my father.” Marisol said. 

Thomas and Marisol kept their relationship a secret for a couple of months. They were so happy, and so deeply in love with each other. They were being so careful or so they thought they were … Mr.Garza found the love letter from Thomas and he was furious. As soon as Marisol got home, she noticed that her father was mad. She knew that something was wrong. “I know about your secret relationship,” said Mr. Garza furiously. Marisol’s smile slowly began to fade. “You know you’re not allowed to be dating someone, you are too young for that.” Mr.Garza said while holding up the love letter from Thomas. “Dad Please let me explain,” Marisol said while sobbing. “NO!” He yelled. “I told you very clearly that you’re not allowed to be dating any boys, Marisol!” he said. “I know Dad, but Thomas is a very nice and respectful guy,” Marisol said. “IF HE WAS SUCH A “RESPECTFUL” GUY, HE SHOULD’VE AT LEAST ASKED FOR MY PERMISSION TO ASK YOU OUT. I PROBABLY WOULD’VE SAID NO, BUT IT SHOWS A SIGN OF RESPECT AND MANNERS.” Mr. Garza said while yelling. Marisol started to cry and she was very upset. Marisol and Mr.Garza kept arguing back and forth. “I brought our family to the U.S. So you can have a better life and education. And you’re just throwing it away by being with an older guy! I risked my life for you, Marisol!” Mr. Garza said. “Dad, I get good grades, I'm one of the smartest girls in the school, I’m taking advanced classes, and I have a high GPA Dad, “ Marisol said. 

Mr. Garza was so disappointed in Marisol that he decided to send her to Mexico to separate Marisol and Thomas. He did not approve of this relationship at all because of their age difference. Marisol started to sob and cried all night, the next day at school her eyes were so puffy. When Thomas saw her, he was so concerned and asked “ Babe, what’s wrong?!” “My dad found out about us and is sending me to Mexico in a couple of days,” she said while tearing up. Thomas hugged Marisol and she began to cry and so did he. They were both very upset about the situation. Two days later, it was time for Marisol to leave, they said their goodbyes at her house and she broke up with him. But Thomas told her that he'll wait for her. “ You are worth waiting for and I love you with all my heart, I’ll be here when you come back,” Thomas said while hugging her. “But Thomas, I don't even know if I'm going to come back, why are you so confident about it?” Marisol asked. “I just know that you’re going to come back one day, and I'll be here waiting for you, I promise, I love you, Marisol,” he said. “I love you too Thomas,” she said. They kissed goodbye, and she got in the car and drove away. “ See you later my love, I'll be here waiting,” he said. 

Every couple of months Thomas would go to her house and ask her mom if she was back or has heard from her. He did it for two years straight. Two years passed by and he went to her house on her 18th birthday with flowers and her favorite chocolates. And he was just going to leave them outside of her house. Then he saw a black car pulling up into the driveway, he wondered who it could be. The door opened and he couldn’t believe who it was! It was Marisol, his eyes couldn’t believe it was her. She grew so older and got even prettier, he gasped “MARISOL, I knew you would come back,” he said while running up to her. Marisol jumped to hug and kiss him. “Of course, I came back, I missed you so much,” she said. You kept your promise, but how’d you know I would come today, “ she asked. “Well I didn't, I came to drop off flowers and your favorite chocolates in honor of your 18th birthday,” he said. “ Gosh, I missed you so much, after you left I was heartbroken and almost failed Algebra 2 but I pushed through just for you and I was able to pass the class and graduated!” he said. “I’m so proud of you Thomas, I knew you could do it,” she said. 

Fast forward to a couple of years later, they ended up getting married and had three kids. Eventually, Mr. Garza accepted Thomas and apologized for sending the love of his life away. Everything turned out perfectly, Thomas and Marisol lived happily ever after with their three kids, and they have the greatest love story ever. They cherished each other and grew old together.

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